Robert Collins, President of the New York Mercantile Exchange

This is a partial transcript from Your World with Neil Cavuto, September 11, 2003, that was edited for clarity.

Watch Your World w/Cavuto weekdays at 4 p.m. and 1 a.m. ET.

NEIL CAVUTO, HOST: You know, when the terrorists hit the twin towers, they also hit the financial capital of the world. But the Wall Street community’s been pretty resilient and, of course, continues to be. It has been two years since that horrific attack, and, despite constant concerns about terrorism (search), market leaders are feeling more optimistic than ever.

One of them is with me right now, Robert Collins. He’s the president of the New York Mercantile Exchange right here in the heart of New York’s financial district. The Merc, of course, is the third biggest futures market and the world’s leading energy exchange.

Mr. Collins, good to have.


CAVUTO: You know, we should first off say this is a time of reflection for you and your whole exchange. You lost 19 members, present and former. What is it like it when you look down there at what happened?

COLLINS: Well, it’s a very stark reminder of the pain and the anguish that our community lived through two years ago. It is deeply saddening to see the enormous effect on the lives of families that were surrounding -- you know -- the people that died in that catastrophe.

CAVUTO: Are you surprised that not only your exchange but all the major exchanges have come back as they have?

COLLINS: I don’t know if surprised is the right word. I think what they’ve achieved is nothing short of remarkable.

But if you look at the commitment of the people, like Dick Grasso and like our chairman, Vinnie Viola, to make it happen, no matter what, I think that we actually have risen to the occasion so that here we are two years later, our businesses are better than they were before, we’re stronger, we’re extremely well-prepared for any event like this again.

CAVUTO: But, Robert, do you always worry another attack, certainly maybe not of this size, it would take longer to recover?

COLLINS: No, I don’t think it would take longer to recover.

CAVUTO: Really?

COLLINS: No. I think, if anything, we know the drill. We have all developed very good networks of communications now. We’re prepared for a sad eventuality like this -- if it does happen.

CAVUTO: Do your members say that, that it’s just a matter of when, not if?

COLLINS: Well, I think it never leaves your mind. I would like to -- and I do -- believe that our security forces are doing a magnificent job of protecting our country.

I know the local forces have an amazing handle on terrorism in general. And we have good communications with them. But it doesn’t mean that it couldn’t happen.

And so, if it does happen, we’re prepared for it. We just live with the reality that it’s a possibility.

CAVUTO: The mood among your members now versus then I imagine markedly different, but are they seeing the turnaround a lot of economists and all talk about?

COLLINS: Yes. We are seeing an uptick in business. I think there’s some very basic econometric signals in our markets that the economy is healthy.

CAVUTO: All right. Robert Collins, thank you very much.

The man that runs the New York Mercantile Exchange.

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