Reports: Law Students Angered Jerry Springer Chosen for Commencement Speech

Law students at Northwestern University are up in arms that the school chose Jerry Springer as its commencement speaker, according to reports.

Springer, a 1968 graduate of Northwestern, was chosen to give a speech during spring commencement at the Chicago law school, but the decision has angered students, the New York Post's Page Six and the legal blog Above the Law report.

"Mr. Springer is an alumnus who has held public office as a city council member and mayor of Cincinnati. He has had a very successful career in the news and entertainment industries," Northwestern Law School Dean David E. Van Zandt told Above the Law. "We look forward to Mr. Springer's participation at commencement."

But the blog reports that students are circulating a letter in protest of the decision.

"Although we understand that in some respects Mr. Springer represents the best (and also the worst) of American First Amendment rights, we do not believe that he is worthy of addressing the Class of 2008," the letter said, according to Above the Law.

Springer is the host of the "Jerry Springer Show" and also appeared on "Dancing With the Stars."

Click here for the full Page Six report.

Click here to read Above the Law's post.