Report: Tom Cruise Visits Private Island of Brazilian Plastic Surgeon

Tom Cruise has been snapped enjoying the beaches and nightlife that Brazil has to offer, but is there more to his trip than simply promoting the release of his film Valkyrie?

According to a report in the New York Post, Cruise, along with wife Katie and daughter Suri, paid a little visit to the private island of plastic surgeon Dr. Ivo Pitanguy, who has his own landing strip in Brazil and a menagerie of exotic animals.

Maybe Suri wanted to see some cute wildlife, or maybe Tom wanted a facelift. Who knows.

But while Cruise has been praised for showing off his chiseled abs and fab new physique, his knowledge of geography leaves something to be desired.

During a press event for Valkyrie, Cruise attempted to win over reporters by saying hola (hello) and gracias (thank you), failing to realize that Brazilians speak Portuguese, not Spanish.

To add insult to injury, Cruise also said he fell in love with Brazil while watching movies about samba and tango, unaware that tango is a dance from Argentina.


Click here to read more from the New York Post.