Report: Pam Anderson Moves Into Mobile Home

Pamela Anderson and her kids have relocated from their Los Angeles house into a mobile home. But don't worry that the former 'Baywatch' star has fallen on bad times. It turns out the situation is only temporary, as Anderson waits for renovations on her house to be comlpeted.

But the blonde bombshell sounds like she's in no hurry to move back home.

See photos of Pamela Anderson.

"I live in a mobile home and I love it. It's my favorite thing in the world. I have two homes but I can honestly say I would much rather live in a trailer than anywhere else," she reportedly told Bang Showbiz. "It's small but chic and perfect for me and the kids. We are so close to the beach and it's fun having to sit on bean bags and do our washing at the laundromat."

Anderson isn't the only Hollywood star who prefers life on wheels. Matthew McConaughey has lived for months on end in his Airstream trailer.

See photos of Matthew McConaughey.