Report: No 'Miracle' Button, 'Cured' Woman Continued to Get Benefits

A British woman who started to walk again after spending six years in a wheelchair couldn't stop her government-funded medical benefits because the agency's computer didn't recognize miracles, The Daily Mail reported.

June Clarke, 56, told the newspaper that after years of prayer, she was suddenly able to walk again after attending a Christian conference in January of last year, The Daily Mail reported.

But when she contacted the Government's Industrial Injury Department to put a stop to her benefits, she was told they didn't have "a button to push that says miracle," and continued to receive benefits for at least four more months, the newspaper reported.

Click here for the full report from The Daily Mail.

It wasn't until Clarke saw a government doctor who, perplexed by her recovery, declared her able-bodied that she stopped receiving the monthly payments. She has been working since to repay the government for those four months of unneeded benefits.