Report: Mel Gibson Reaches Out to Britney Spears

Mel Gibson and his family have befriended Britney Spears, thinking they can help her through her tough time, reported.

The two were at Romanov Restaurant and Lounge in Los Angeles Saturday night, where they reportedly dined together. Gibson, his wife Robin and their kids reached out to Spears during her darkest days and began seeing her, TMZ said.

The Gibsons feel like they know how tough it is to live in a fishbowl and they think they can help Spears, sources told TMZ. There have been private dinners in which Mel, Robin and the kids met up with Spears to give her support.

At Romanov's Saturday night, Gibson and Spears did not walk in or out together, TMZ reported.

After pleading no contest to a misdemeanor DUI charge on Aug. 17, 2006, Gibson was given three years' probation, ordered to pay $1,400 in fines and attend Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. After he was stopped, Gibson launched into an anti-Semitic rant, causing a scandal.

Spears' father, James, was named one of two co-conservators of her estate after the singer was hospitalized twice in January. Conservatorships are granted for people deemed unable to take care of themselves or their affairs.

Before her hospitalization, Spears had shown increasingly erratic behavior. She shaved her head, was seen in public without underwear, ran over a celebrity photographer's foot and attacked a vehicle with an umbrella.

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Spears has since had very limited contact with her toddler sons who are under the sole physical and legal custody of her ex-husband Kevin Federline.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.