Report: Grandmother Saved by Daughter's Poo

A Scotland grandmother who contracted a superbug was saved after doctors fed her daughter's feces to her.

Ethel McEwan, 83, of Guardbridge, Fife, was near death after contracting Clostridium difficile, the Daily Record reported. Clostridium difficile, or C. diff, is a sometimes fatal superbug, which can cause diarrhea, colitis and other intestinal problems.

Doctors credited McEwan's daughter, Winnifred for saving her mother life.

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A fecal treatment involves liquidizing a sample of feces from a close relative of the patient. The liquid is then fed to the patient through a tube that goes into the stomach.

The treatment restores bacteria and speeds the recovery process, doctors say

McEwan said the treatment isn't as bad as it sounds. "It's not like they put it on a plate and have you eat it. You don’t ever see or smell a thing," she said.