Recap of Saturday, November 17


Bulls & Bears | Cavuto on Business | Forbes on FOX | Cashin' In

Bulls & Bears

This past week's Bulls & Bears: Gary B. Smith, Exemplar Capital managing partner; Pat Dorsey, director of stock research; Scott Bleier, president; Eric Bolling, Independent Trader, and Marc Lamont Hill, Temple University professor.

Trading Pit: Gas Near All-Time High; What Happened to Dems' Promise?

Gas ready to hit a new all-time high, just as you get ready to hit the road for the holidays. All this happening one-year after the Dems swept into congress promising to lower prices at the pump. Senator Hillary Clinton even saying this back on July 25, 2006: "Elect Democrats in November if you don't like these outrageous gas prices, if you feel that the oil companies have been given a free ride by the President and Vice President vote for Democrats". So what happened?

Gary B. Smith: The Democrats realized you can't fight market forces. It's like having a position in the stock market that's going against you. You keep buying and buying more in hopes that it will eventually go up, and it just can't! The market forces are just too big and the Democrats finally realize that.

Marc Lamont Hill: Some of the Democrats have caved because of election year pressure. But what we need to see is a move to reduce the demand for oil.

Eric Bolling: Gas is substantially higher than it was a year ago. This is due to a number of reasons. One being there are no new refineries that we know about, we aren't allowed to drill in ANWR, and we're not allowed to drill substantially off the cost. These are things that can still be changed, if they allowed us to drill in places we haven't been able to drill in the past. This would bring the price of oil and gasoline down.

Pat Dorsey: Neither party has any control over what gas prices do. It's a factor of refining capacity, and how much supply OPEC is producing. And OPEC has not really increased supply over the past couple of years.

Scott Bleier: Politicians have been promising anything to get elected for centuries. But promising to get gas and oil prices down is the biggest doozy of them all. You need coherent government policy on energy, on drilling, on alternative energy. No windfall taxes; let the open market conduct this.

Wal-Mart's New Health Plan: Time to Stop Calling it the "Evil Empire"?

Marc Lamont Hill: There is nothing more evil than Wal-Mart. This new health plan does nothing to mitigate all the harmful things Wal-Mart does to the economy, to workers rights, and to labor rights.

Eric Bolling: They are always going to be a bull's-eye! They're just too big to shake that.

Gary B Smith: Every man, woman, and child in the United States should get down on their knees and thank Wal-Mart for the low prices.

Stock X-Change

Eric has brought his A-game because our gang is going to put him to the test! Eric Bolling's best stock buys right now versus the Bulls & Bears:

Entergy (ETR )

iShares Brazil (EWZ )

iShares Select Dividend (DVY )

PowerShares Intl Dividend (PID )

Silver Wheaton (SLW )

If you want to watch what each had to say about each stock, click here.


Marc's prediction: Barry Bonds beats the rap; if not… baseball is ruined!

Eric's prediction: Even with Bonds, it's a great time to be a sports fan! Buy Nike (NKE )

Gary B's prediction: ETRADE (ETFC ) fears way overblown; stock doubles in a year

Scott's prediction: Merrill (MER ) cuts workforce by 50 percent; stock up 50 percent by end of '08

Pat's prediction: Make money from high gas prices! Buy Magellan Midstream (MGG )

Bulls & Bears | Cavuto on Business | Forbes on FOX | Cashin' In

Cavuto on Business

On Saturday, November 17, 2007, Neil Cavuto was joined by Charles Payne,; Tracy Byrnes, FOX Business Network; Adam Lashinsky, Fortune Magazine; Pat Powell, The Powell Financial Group; Ben Ferguson, "The Ben Ferguson Show" Host; and Kirsten Powers, Democratic strategist.

Bottom Line: Hillary Clinton's Planted Questions: Proof She Can't be Trusted? Reason Why CEOs Are Voting for Rudy Giuliani?

Neil Cavuto: Planted questions. Shifting positions. For driver's licenses for illegals on week. Against 'em this week. Then, a poll of CEOs showing most don't want Hillary Clinton leading them any week. Most prefer Rudy Giuliani. Not because they love him, but curiously because they trust him. Or is it because they don't trust her? Let's get to the "Bottom Line."

Charles Payne: We used to talk about "Slick Willy" when we talked about Bill Clinton. You can kinda feel that way with Hillary. CEOs admire people who've gone through adversity. It seems like everything's been easy for Hillary. She made a bunch of money on a funny land deal, moves to New York and becomes Senator just like that. Now, all of a sudden she's the front runner. You know, I like to see someone overcome adversity before they're commander-in-chief. I don't think she fits that bill yet.

Tracy Byrnes: I think we're in such a volatile time. Wall Street is craving transparency.

Neil Cavuto: Well, why don't they practice it then?

Tracy Byrnes: Well, they're trying.


Tracy Byrnes: I think that's where Giuliani comes into this. I mean, he lays it all out on the table. I think Hillary still has a lot of ghosts in the closet.

Kirsten Powers: First of all, I don't think there's that wide of a disparity between the numbers. The other thing, there are a lot of major CEOs who do support Hillary.

Neil Cavuto: On the issue of trust, it was close to 60-40.

Kirsten Powers: Ok, well the number you put up about who they'd vote for, I don't think it was that big of a difference. Also, John Mack, the CEO of Morgan Stanley, was a huge Bush supporter but is now going with Hillary. The CEO of Verizon, the CEO of Goldman Sachs… these are serious people who are Hillary supporters.

Neil Cavuto: So you have three of the Fortune 500…

Kirsten Powers: But, they're pretty major people. And I think at the same time, she's very popular with small business leaders. Inc Magazine says she's the preferred candidate of both parties.

Neil Cavuto: How much of that do you think is just people sensing she's going to be the winner?

Kirsten Powers: Well Neil, if that's your argument… maybe they feel Rudy's going to be the winner. I don't know why that would account for Hillary and not Rudy.

Neil Cavuto: Valid point. Adam Lashinsky, what do you make of that?

Adam Lashinsky: Neil, if you had to make a list of hypocrites by profession, you'd have to think real hard if you're going to put politicians first or CEOs first. These are people who love to have planted questions scripted in the audience because they'd hate to screw up, especially on television.

Neil Cavuto: Adam, how is that Fortune gig going?


Adam Lashinsky: Oh, you mean I might be offending the core?

Neil Cavuto: Yeah...


Adam Lashinsky: Well, we can come to that later. I think Hillary Clinton has trust issues with CEOs and the American public. But, I think that this episode will be forgotten sooner rather than later.

Pat Powell: I think the surprise is that any CEOs are supporting her! If you think about it, her pension for big government, a "nanny state," higher taxes, universal health care… When you think about raising taxes, you have to think about the impact on the economy.

Neil Cavuto: Well, some of the CEOs like the health care thing because it gets the monkey off their backs.

Pat Powell: You know, the monkey's going to end up right back on their backs. At the end of the day, somebody's gotta pay… and who better to pay than big business? That's the way it's going to come down this time. You know, we forget what a really bad economy feels like. There's a whole generation out there working that's never seen a really awful economy. The Republicans have done a great job of getting a strong economy and a terrible job of communicating what it's all about. Maybe Rudy could do the job for them.

Neil Cavuto: Hillary's shiftiness seems to be coming out in the polls. What do you make of it?

Charles Payne: I think it not only comes out in the polls, it comes out in the voting even more so. When people go into the voting booth, it's an impulse decision. At the end of the day, they say, "Do I really, really trust this person?"

Neil Cavuto: Bill Clinton was never overly trusted.

Tracy Byrnes: He was likeable. As was John Kennedy. I think that's what it comes down to when you get in the booth. I'm not really sure Hillary is likeable.

Neil Cavuto: Do CEOs care if you're likeable or not?

Adam Lashinsky: If I may redeem myself…


Neil Cavuto: Yes, your job is very much on the line…

Adam Lashinsky: Business leaders are just that… leaders. They think about things like America's place in the world. They care about the environment and health care. So some CEOs will look not only at the person, but at the platform. And they're saying it's time for a change. Some of these issues may be better served by a Democratic president.

Neil Cavuto: I really feel like there's a sense of momentum building here. Hillary Clinton did a pretty good job in the latest debate. She's like a train running. Some argue she has the nomination locked up. She's it. So, maybe some CEOs are just going to hook up to that.

Kirsten Powers: Maybe. But when I look at the field, she's the most qualified candidate. Has anybody followed Rudy Giuliani at all? He's changed many of his positions. He used to go to Planned Parenthood and brag about how pro-choice he was. He says he'd only use strict, constructionist judges. He never did when he was mayor of New York City; he appointed all Democrats.

Neil Cavuto: You raise some very good points. I think what they're saying on issues like terror, on issue like the war, on issues like driver's lisenes for illegals, Rudy has been quite clear and Hillary has not.

Kirsten Powers: On illegals? Are you kidding me? He ran a sanctuary city.

Neil Cavuto: On the driver's license issue, he has said unequivocally it's not a good idea. And Hillary went back and forth. I think whether you're a CEO or not, you're saying, "Just tell us."

Kirsten Powers: I think she stumbled on that question; there's no doubt about it. Immigration is one of the biggest issues in the Republican primary. Rudy ran a sanctuary city! I mean, doesn't anybody care?

Neil Cavuto: You would argue he did nothing to address illegal immigration?

Kirsten Powers: I would say it wasn't a priority for him. And Rudy and I are very aligned when it comes to illegal immigration. I don't have a problem with it.

Head to Head: Hotels Swapping Bibles for Condoms; Good for Business?

Neil Cavuto: Have you heard about this? Some hotels swapping out Bibles for "intimacy kits." Condoms, basically. Is this a good business move? It's time to go "Head to Head."

Ben Ferguson: I think it's bad for business and I'll tell ya why: I think a lot of people may not use a Bible, but they want it in there like they want an ice bucket. They want to know it's in the hotel room. It's been a staple for a long time. No one makes you read it. If you take it out, it's basically pushing an agenda saying they're going to take God out of our hotel rooms and put condoms into it. It's going to offend a lot of customers.

Neil Cavuto: I don't know why they just don't include both…

Tracy Byrnes: Why is God in the hotel business? Who goes to a hotel to find Jesus? I am front and center at church every Sunday… I don't go to a hotel to read the Bible.

Neil Cavuto: Alright, so when you hear about hotels taking Bibles out and replacing them with intimacy kits… I just want to know what's in those kits.


Tracy Byrnes: The kits are generally under lock and key. I know people are concerned that little kids may get into them. It's fun. It's goofy. I don't think it hurts anyone. It makes the hotel a little novel. Maybe people want to come back because of it.

Neil Cavuto: If I'm traveling with my kids… bring food. Just bring food. Bakery products. But I digress.


Neil Cavuto: What do you make of it?

Charles Payne: I think it's terrible.

Neil Cavuto: The bakery products? Or the intimacy kits?


Charles Payne: Well, they always have a lot of bakery products at the hotel. Listen, we're moving away from God in society. And that's really scary. 24/7 decadence on TV, that's all our kids really watch. If the Bible's there and you don't want to read it, fine. But, I think it's important we are reminded of God. As a nation, we have to think about this more often. I don't see why having a Bible in a hotel room would hurt. I'd rather see a Bible in a hotel room instead of a condom.

Neil Cavuto: A lot of the hotels behind this switch have been saying 90 percent of their customers don't even know the Bible's there…

Pat Powell: You know, I think they may be right but it doesn't matter. I think what matters is an awful lot of us are traveling for leisure with our families and we don't worry about if there's a Gideon Bible in the drawer of the nightstand, but I'm kind of appalled at the thought of having to check it out or having to book a "family friendly" room. You know, Neil, they also have sex games with dice. You know, when I go on vacation with my family and we want to play a game with dice, we're talking about Parcheesi!

Neil Cavuto: Wait, wait, wait. What hotel had the sex game?


Pat Powell: Hotel Sofitel. And I have to tell you. I've stayed there! And I was shocked.

Neil Cavuto: Do they also have bakery products?


Ben Ferguson: I think part of the issue is Gideons donate these Bibles to the hotels. It doesn't cost the hotels anything. It's not like they're saving money by taking the Bibles out. You may not read it, but you want to know it's there. And when you take it out, you're basically saying we don't want God in our hotel, but we'll sell ya condoms so you'll have a great time! Most people know why they're going to a hotel… and if they need that stuff, they'll bring it with them! To replace a Bible with condoms, it's a social agenda more than anything.

Tracy Byrnes: Ben, it's not the hotels' responsibility to teach you about your faith. That's crazy!

Ben Ferguson: I didn't say they should. But, when you take it out…

Tracy Byrnes: When you get older and have children, you're not going to bring them to a hotel to teach them about God.

Neil Cavuto: Ben, I think you've been punked.


Neil Cavuto: Adam, obviously this was a business decision. Will people start saying I want to stay at the hotel that junked the Bible?

Adam Lashinsky: Yeah, I actually think they will. The hotels we're talking about are clearly catering to adults. I was in Vegas this week. That is a whole city that's thrown the whole "family friendly" thing out the window. And they happen to be doing very well at it. A lot of hotels have pay-per-view porn and it does very well for the hotels. We're a puritan nation on the outside, but we're not so puritanical underneath. And, it is good business.

More For Your Money: $afe $tocks in a $haky Market

Neil Cavuto: The safest stocks that will get you "More for Your Money."

Click here if you'd like to see the safest stock picks!

Pat Powell: T Rowe Price (TROW)
*Pat owns shares of this stock.

Adam Lashinsky: Covidien (COV )

Charles Payne: Kroger (KR )

FOX on the Spot

Pat Powell: Forget Gas! Gallon of Milk Hits $5 by Election Day

Adam Lashinsky: Thanksgiving Gluttons & Ethanol Glut; Gobble up PPC

Ben Ferguson: Un-Happy Thanksgiving for Retailers; Weak Holiday Sales

Tracy Byrnes: "Doggie Insurance" Proves Consumers Are Not Rolling Over

Charles Payne: Get Ready for More Canned CEOs and Costly Suits

Neil Cavuto: You Mean Business; You Need FOX Business

Bulls & Bears | Cavuto on Business | Forbes on FOX | Cashin' In

Forbes on FOX

Flipside: Health Care for Wal-Mart Workers: Work of Economy Not Critics!

Victoria Barret, associate editor: Wal-Mart's new health plan covers more employees and is a little more generous. It's less expensive than the old plan, more drugs are offered and are a lot cheaper. A lot of people are saying "the big giant finally caved in!" Those people, who are mainly liberals, are saying "Wal-Mart is finally listening to us." But Wal-Mart isn't a company which caves into perception. This is a company that does everything for the bottom line. We have a really tight labor market and that is why Wal-Mart is doing this.

Elizabeth MacDonald, FOX Business Network: I think Wal-Mart actually listened to their critics. In fact, they admitted to it. Wal-Mart has as many people in uniform as the US Army. They took a lot of criticism when it came out that workers in 19 states were going on Medicaid or relying on taxpayers funded health benefits. Wal-Mart makes over $350 billion in profits annually. But if this stock hadn't flat lined for over 8 quarters now, I don't think they would have budged or caved in with health benefits.

Rich Karlgaard, publisher: In long term, Victoria is right about this. It is a fully employed economy, but the workforce is aging rapidly and Wal-Mart is going to have difficulty replacing its aging workers with younger workers without offering health benefits to them.

Mike Ozanian, national editor: I think this is a total PR stunt. Wal-Mart has added over 400,000 workers in the past 4 years. Only a fraction of those people increased their health coverage and added these benefits. The fact of the matter is, most employees don't want this health insurance because most of them would rather have the savings. They have to take either a higher salary and not join this at all or get a lesser plan. It's a very inexpensive way for Wal-Mart to pacify the liberals!

Quentin Hardy, Silicon Valley bureau chief: Perception is a huge part of marketing. If Wal-Mart is seen as treating their workers better, then Wal-Mart will probably generate better sales.

John Rutledge, Forbes contributor: When you're on the board of a company, either public or private, you are a fiduciary for the shareholders' money. You have to do what's good for the business. But sometimes what's good for the business is also good for public policy and good for healthcare to help defend the new laws which Rich was talking about and to help attract the customers Quentin was talking about. This is a good move. We should be celebrating this.

In Focus: Who's Right on Taxes: Pres. Bush or Dems?

John Rutledge: Bush is right. The 1,000 point drop in the stock market since we first have seen the Ways and Means bill coming out of the House should be a warning bell. If they pass tax increases that are now already drafted into law, the top tax rate will become 44 percent and the Dow will drop 3,000 more points. This is an insane tax policy, it's terrible for the economy. It's really another witch hunt.

Mark Tatge, Forbes contributing editor: Well a tax increase is never a good thing. However, you have to look at whether a tax decrease actually spurred growth in this economy. I don't think it did! All it did was widen the gap between the rich and the poor and establish an aristocracy in this country. So you're saying just because we have lower taxes means we have a better economy? Oh come on!

Rich Karlgaard: Look, fundamentalists have changed over the past ten years: Every economy in the world is lowering taxes at a time when the United States in contemplating raising them. Capital can go anywhere in the world at the speed of light and it's always going to go where it can seek the highest return, or low tax jurisdictions. Do we want to lose risk capital? Do we want Wall Street to move to London? Do we want Silicon Valley to move to Shanghai?

Quentin Hardy: Revere the office, respect the man but do not lose sight of the facts. You're talking about a man who brought us into a war of choice. You're talking a trillion dollars. He passed cowardly tax cuts which will expire, he's given us a trillion dollar deficit. Who is he to talk about economic policy!? In real terms, the stock market has done nothing in eight years!

Elizabeth MacDonald: Why do we trust Congress with our money? I have to agree with what Quentin is saying here. Bush is spending like a French socialist on a chardonnay bender. This is outrageous when the baby boomers are about to retire! We are so deep in the hole, it's ridiculous!

Victoria Barret: Let's look at our current tax system: The top 5 percent pay 60 percent of the taxes. How much more progressive do we want to get? Do we want to turn into a France? What happens in France? The rich folks, instead or working and paying taxes in France, spend half their time in London so they can pay half the taxes there. Not only does capital move, but people move. You have to keep an incentive system which values hard work.

Debate: Fat Tax for Fat Fliers?

Neil Weinberg, senior editor: I say pay for what you use. If you want a first class seat, then pay for one. When you put your bag on the scale and it's too much, you have to pay more. You know what else I think would work; you know those carry-on boxes you put your carry-on in to see if it fits, why not have one for people and if you don't fit in the box, you can't go in economy.

Poppy Harlow, senior reporter: This is completely ridiculous. Airlines won't go for it and they will lose a ton of money. Fat people are already uncomfortable to fly in the first place. Why on earth should they have to pay more to do so?

Mark Tatge: I think this is basic economics. The airline sells space. If you go to the post office, and you mail a package, if it weight more you have to pay more. It should be the same way on an airline. So why don't the airlines have double wide seats and charge 150 percent more! All of us would be more comfortable: the obese one and the skinny one sitting next to the obese one! Better yet, why not charge more for screaming children!

Josh Lipton, staff writer: The bottom line is an airline tax for fat people is not going to make them change their behavior, it just humiliates them. How would you even make this system work? Would you weigh people when they come in? Put them on giant butcher scales and see how much they way? I really don't see how this would work.

Mike Ozanian: There are two very good reasons as to why they should never do this. Number one; why pick on fat people? They die sooner than everyone else anyway. They save us a lot of money and never collect their social security. Number two; my wife is an awesome baker so I'll be fat soon myself!

Informer: Stocks You'll Give Thanks For... If You Buy Them Now

In anticipation of Thanksgiving, stocks you'll be thankful for, if you buy them now!

Neil Weinberg: Merrill Lynch (MER)

Poppy Harlow: Kohl's (KSS)

Josh Lipton: Diageo (DEO)

Mike Ozanian: Carpenter Technology (CRS)

Click here to watch the entire segment

Bulls & Bears | Cavuto on Business | Forbes on FOX | Cashin' In

Cashin' In

Our Cashin' In crew this week: Dagen McDowell, FOX Business Network; Jonathan Hoenig, CapitalistPig Asset Management; Jonas Max Ferris,; Gary Kaltbuam, Kaltbaum & Associates; and Liz Chadderdon, Democratic strategist.

Dems' Expensive Family Leave Plans: Proof They Want A "Nanny State"?

Paying Americans to stay home from work: that's what John Edwards' new $2 billion family-leave plan would allow. Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have similar proposals. Is this a sure sign America will become a "nanny state" if a democrat wins the White House.

Jonathan: It is a nanny state. If you listen to what these Democratic candidates say, especially at the debates, that is their goal. Democrats see bigger government involvement in everything: health care, housing, education, job creation, etc. They are suspicious of capitalism and free markets. They would love a nanny state because that's what their policies seem to consistently advocate.

Dagen: In a way, it discourages work. We did not get to be the most competitive nation in the world, by handing out free vacations or paid leave. In this country, you do get 14 days of vacation. We don't need to be like France with 36 days, or Germany with 26 days of vacation every year. I don't see it.

Liz: The Republicans have been running on family values for a long time and this is the ultimate expression of family values. When there is a new baby, or there is an injured relative in your family, you need a few days off. You need to go home and take care of your family. It makes you more productive at work and makes your work better and frankly, a better person.

Gary K: It's not just this particular plan. It's the whole Democratic plan. There is a huge confiscation of wealth proposal going on here. It's a huge expansion of government and all at a monstrous cost. They are going to raise taxes from 35 to 44 percent. Watch the capital gains tax go up, the death tax goes up and now proposals to raise the cap on Social Security. The idea of the Social Security program is to put money into it and get money out of it. Now, by raising caps, you put money into it, but that money goes to someone else. It flies in the face of everything good that this country and economy is about.

Jonas: You're definitely going to get a lot of nanny state type policies. We've had a slew of them out of the Bush White House as well. It's just a different type of nanny government. You just mentioned the capital gains tax. Right now, the government tells you how to trade stocks. You get a discount if you hold it for a certain amount of time. The farm bill? How is that not a nanny state? Plus, the decency act is why Howard Stern is off the public airwaves.

Dagen: This paid leave act is an incentive for people not to work! People will abuse it.

Liz: I find this absolutely ridiculous. We're not talking about trying to make Americans less productive, or giving them paid vacations. We're talking about when you have a new baby or sick relative; you get to take a few days off from work.

Dagen: We also have a Family Leave Act. You can take 12 weeks off, it's just not paid. There are laws in place to allow people to take time off work to take care of sick relatives and the like.

Should Cheap $trip Mall Surgeries Be Outlawed?

More insight into the death of Kanye West's mother: her plastic surgery took place above a Kinko's and Subway restaurant. More and more of these outpatient surgery centers are popping up across America. Should they be outlawed?

Liz: Yes, they should be outlawed. Cosmetic surgery is a big deal. Any time you go under general anesthesia, you should be in a hospital, not above a Subway restaurant or Kinko's in a strip mall. You need to be somewhere where there are trained professionals and where there is equipment that can help you if something goes wrong.

Jonathan: What is wrong with Subway? This is a terrible insult to strip mall owners. It's an office. Liz, as you said, surgery is dangerous. It's dangerous whether you are in some high-end hospital or above a Kinko's. For a person who advocates freedom, you're talking about shutting down an entire element of the medical profession.

Gary K: The point is not the Subway or whether it is between a video game store and dry cleaners. The story is about the doctors. There probably should be more oversight on these doctors that are doing these operations. Every week I read about someone with a deformity or even death.

Dagen: Unfortunately, with cosmetic surgery many people turn to the doctors their friends and acquaintances go to. That's not a great way to check the doctor. Using technology and the Internet, it could help to come up with a centralized database that's easy to access where you could check the doctor's background.

Jonas: We are going to see more of this. This is one of the ways to keep health care costs down. Not everyone can go to a hospital. A lot of people have surgery in emerging markets to save money. Would you rather have surgery in a strip mall in America or fly to an Asian country to have cheaper surgery there?

Dagen: This is a different thing. This is cosmetic surgery. Little clinics are popping up in Wal-Mart and across America. I do encourage these little clinics in order to get a strep test or something like that. That is very different than going under the knife.

Liz: I deeply believe in the free market economy, but I do believe this is where it has gone amok. People shouldn't really be shopping for the lowest price for cosmetic surgery. It is surgery. It is major and can be life threatening. It's ridiculous for people who can't afford it and are putting it on credit cards.

Jonathan: This is an outgrowth of the Democratic idea to tell you where to go for health care, what health care you need, what doctor you should see, and who deserves it and who doesn't.

Dagen: Last time I checked, Hillary Clinton doesn't want to pick my doctor for me. That's not what the Democrats want to do. They just want to make health care and insurance available for people.

Make Americans Walk More to Fight Obesity and Global Warming?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says walking is the way to win America's battle of the bulge and the planet's global warming fight. Is this the perfect fix to slim down American and cool down the planet?

Jonathan: I'm amazed that the CDC is just getting this now, that walking is good for you. People who value their health already know that. You watch what you eat and work out now and then. It's not a solution to fight global warming because I don't think global warming is an actual problem.

Jonas: You can debate the global warming thing, but the idea is sound here and it's better than other big government things coming down the pike. You could probably solve 20 percent of the health care costs in this country just by more activity. In addition, you could solve 5-10 percent of energy costs. The two are very related and that's what's interesting about this. People are basically lazy and they are wasting energy being lazy.

Jonathan: Some people are lazy. A lot of people do take the stairs or do walk to work. People make the decisions for themselves. To throw it up as the solution to environmental crisis just shows the emptiness of the environmental movement.

Jonas: You're against big health care plans by big government. We've got a health care problem and the costs are rising. Aren't there better ways to get us to take control of our own health?

Jonathan: You know who has a health care problem? The guy who is fat, smokes, and sits on his butt all day long. It's his problem, not mine.

Jonas: We all have a health care problem because we're paying for his health care.

Jonathan: As long as you're paying for his problem, you get to tell him when to go to spin class, what to eat, etc. You get to live his life for him. That's the problem with nationalized health care.

Jonas: The reality is that I am liable, and so are you, of the health care costs of America for the rest of our lives through Medicare and everything else. Why not have government programs to get people to be physically active?

Best Bets: Turkey Turnaround $tocks

To watch this segment in its entirety, please click here.

Gary K: Johnson & Johnson (JNJ ) (Friday's Close: $67.75)

Jonas: PowerShares DB US Dollar Bullish (UUP ) (Friday's Close: $23.70)

Jonathan: iPath Livestock (COW ) (Friday's Close: $48.75)