Question of Parental Rights

Does Tamara Schmidt (search) deserve to get her daughter back? This is just one of the controversies we're covering Thursday on “DaySide.” Apparently a Las Vegas judge thinks Tamara's 13-year-old daughter should be returned to her, but read the details of her case and see if you agree.

In 2003 Brittney Schmidt and her 3-year-old half-sister were brutally stabbed in their trailer because their mom had left them alone that night in their trailer (as she reportedly had done many times before). Tamara and her husband Bobby were out gambling when two teens broke into the trailer (allegedly over a drug deal) and stabbed the girls. The 3-year-old girl was murdered and Brittney was paralyzed.

Tamara Schmidt and her husband now stand charged with child abuse and neglect for leaving the girls alone. So you tell me: Should our courts send Brittney back to her mother? Send your comments to me at

Another controversy we're covering Thursday is what's really going on inside Saudi Arabia (search). Wednesday, the SITE Institute (search) reported that 40 percent of the insurgents setting off murderous bombs in Iraq are Saudis. Sure doesn't sound to me like the Saudi government is doing enough to crack down on those fanatical Wahabbists (search) in their country who are urging young men to go off and kill people in Iraq.

Thursday I want to ask John Bradley about this, because his new book is just coming out called, "Saudi Arabia Exposed: Inside A Kingdom in Crisis.” If there's anything you want me to mention to John, send me an e-mail to the address I just mentioned.

John Harris will also be on the show, talking about his new book, "The Survivor: Bill Clinton in the White House.” Dean Cain (search) (aka Clark Kent/Superman from "Lois and Clark") will stop by too.

Now to your comments sbout Wednesday's show, specifically about the proposed legislation in New Jersey to (1.) force convicted sex offenders to wear GPS tracking devices (search) as a condition of parole and (2.) give them mandatory 25 years -- life prison sentences in the first place:

We're moving to Florida this August and just found out our next-door neighbor (in Florida) is a sex offender. He was convicted of molesting his grandchildren ages 5-8. We have a 5-year-old granddaughter who will visit us frequently, are we for a GPS tracking device for sex offenders? You Bet!!
--Michele B.

Why not also have an implant surgically placed in sexual predators. I would also use the bracelet. Always good to have a backup.
--Diane Fitzgerald, Green Cove Springs, Florida

Forget tracking, forget 25 to life, and forget more probation officers. Those who commit sex crimes against minors should be put in prison for life with no chance of parole. Then we would not only know where they are at all times, but they could never harm an innocent child again. --Michael Wilson, Merritt Island, Florida

My daughter is a probation officer. In my opinion the only way to stop sex abusers is to lock them up and throw away the key. There is no successful treatment. If you put tracking devices of any kind [on them], that is not going to stop them. There are not enough officers to even begin to know where they are. They can commit an offense in just a few minutes...
--Olive Clayson, Spanish Fork, Utah

Hmm. Where do you stand?


Watch "DaySide with Linda Vester" weekdays at 1 p.m. ET

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