Protesters Trash 9/11 Memorial

And now the most compelling two minutes in television, the latest from the wartime grapevine:

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Surprisingly Pro-Force?
Just when leading Democrats, including some senators who voted to authorize war to disarm Iraq, were starting to back away from their position, that new CBS/New York Times poll shows there may be more support among Democrats for military action than they thought. The survey found 51 percent of Democrats back force. That compares with 64 percent of Independents who would back a war, and 86 percent of Republicans. But 66 percent of Democrats said Congress had not been aggressive enough in challenging the President on Iraq.

Protesters Trashed 9/11 Memorial
Anti-war protesters in LaHabra, Calif., trashed a 9/11 memorial on a privately owned fence, but police say there's nothing they can do about it. The Whittier Daily News says the protesters burned and ripped up flowers, flags and patriotic signs that residents had placed on a fence bordering an RV park, The makeshift memorial was put together after the 9/11 attacks and maintained ever since. Local police, who watched the destruction of the display, did nothing, saying the three people who did it were exercising the same free speech rights as the people who created it.

Still Embarrassed To Be an American?
Jessica Lange, the actress who said last September in Spain that President Bush's policy on Iraq had made it "an embarrassing time to be an is humiliating" now says she resents being considered unpatriotic. She told Whoopi Goldberg, who was sitting in for David Letterman on the Late Show on Monday night, that "the thing I resent most is this making some kind of analogy, some kind of equation between being anti-war and anti-American." For her part, Goldberg said she was proud of Lange for participating in an anti-war news conference outside the United Nations on Monday.

More Than Just a Bird
Iraq may say it has no chemical or biological weapons, but a lot of Iraqis apparently don't believe it. The London Daily Telegraph reports that sales of canaries, which have long been used to detect the presence of explosive gas in coalmines, have been soaring in Baghdad. Musta Talib, son of the owner of a shop called Bird Hunter, told the newspaper that he's selling about 20 of the yellow birds a day and has ordered another 300. "Canaries," he said, "are very useful. They can feel danger."