President of Georgia on Nuclear Summit

President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili (FNC)

This is a rush transcript from "Your World With Neil Cavuto," April 13, 2010. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

NEIL CAVUTO, ANCHOR: All right, you're looking live near the White House, at this nuclear summit that's been going on. The president will be addressing the nation and 47 world leaders in a moment.

First, one of those leaders is here, and only here. Mikhail Saakashvili, he is the president of Georgia. He joins me from the site of the summit.

Mr. President, always an honor to have you. Thank you.

MIKHEIL SAAKASHVILI, PRESIDENT OF GEORGIA: Very nice to be on — back on your show.

CAVUTO: You didn't get a one-on-one with the president. You didn't rate. What happened?

SAAKASHVILI: Well, I mean, this is obviously a summit where we have 50 heads of states and all kind of delegations.

But we had an opportunity to interact with the president within that summit. I'm meeting — I'm meeting at length with the vice president tomorrow. And I just met the minority and majority leaders of Congress — of the Senate. And I'm looking forward to meeting Speaker Pelosi tomorrow.

So, I have quite an extensive schedule, maybe more than most of the delegations here.

CAVUTO: Well, I'm just noticing, sir — and, again, I take nothing away from you, but friends of Russia and those leaders, they meet with President Obama. You do not.

And I know you had a phone call and all that earlier, but those one- on-ones, all those guys are getting that, and you're not.



CAVUTO: And this comes only a couple of weeks after the White House was kind of rude to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Any thoughts?

SAAKASHVILI: You know, we really had, I have to say, a very good telephone conversation with President Obama, when he reassured us of his support.

He basically spoke about how much he appreciates what Georgia has done for the last several years, in terms of being — cooperating and working with the U.S. and in terms of domestic developments. And he basically made it very strong that he wants Georgia to be successful.

And, judging on every policy move so far, I have no doubt to cast any — I have no basis to cast any doubt on what he told me. And I'm sure it's just a matter of time when we have — we get direct talks with him at the White House or elsewhere, where we can discuss all the issues at length.

I mean, I don't believe that this kind of thing is — I mean, I'm sure, I'm really confident it's going to happen.

CAVUTO: The reason why I bring it up, Mr. President, is that you, more than probably any of those other leaders in that room, have dealt with this idea of nuclear materials firsthand. I think you have intercepted or the Georgian government has intercepted the transfer of nuclear material — enriched uranium, more to the point — I think a half-a-dozen or eight times.

So, you know firsthand, right?


SAAKASHVILI: Absolutely.

We had multiple cases of highly enriched uranium, you know, attempts of smuggling it through, but, fortunately, we intercepted it. And we have very good devices at our borders. Generally, our security services are very, very modern. And we have — we enjoy cooperation with the U.S. and other responsible actors in the international community.

So, yes, we — I mean, we know what the problem is all about. We had our own highly enriched uranium in our reactor. And we, basically with some Western help as well, got rid of it. And we are in a sense. You're right. And we need to be vigilant and — but, so far, we have been doing a good job on that one.

CAVUTO: The guys who were trying to sneak uranium through, who were they?

SAAKASHVILI: There was — you know, we cannot speculate, because they were different — nationals of different countries. Where they were taking this thing, we don't know, because we basically intercepted it in our territory.


CAVUTO: I'm sorry, from a number of countries...


CAVUTO: ... just one country — from a number of countries?

SAAKASHVILI: I think — I think I don't — you know, we have had one case when — but it's not related directly to highly enriched uranium — when Georgia's law enforcement extradited Iranian nuclear scientist to the U.S., but it was a couple of years ago.

CAVUTO: I see.

SAAKASHVILI: But, otherwise — otherwise, we had cases, the citizens — these were not citizens of Iran, certainly, that were smuggling.

CAVUTO: I got you.

SAAKASHVILI: Well, where they were smuggling it to, it's another question.

And it remains open. And it's still under investigation. Certainly, it was a — it was a smuggle of highly enriched uranium. Certainly, it was going to an area which legally is not entitled to having it.


SAAKASHVILI: And, certainly, that's a matter of special investigators to conclude that.

CAVUTO: Mr. President, thank you very much. I know you have a very busy schedule. We appreciate your taking the time.

All right, the president of Georgia, Mikheil Saakashvili.

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