Pop Tarts: Wedding Bells on the Way for Jessica Simpson?

While her baby sis is reportedly on the way to becoming a baby mama, Jessica Simpson is still living the life of a party princess.

The former "Newlywed" was one of the first to arrive at Diddy's after-party held at a private residence in the Hollywood Hills on Friday night (Diddy received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on Friday).

Without her Dallas Cowboy boyfriend Tony Romo to keep her in check, Simpson cracked the whip on the arm of pal Zach Braff until the wee hours. Her former assistant CaCee Cobb and Cobb's "Scrubs" beau Donald Faison toasted to a great night and (interestingly) Jessica's "happiness."

"I have never felt better," the blonde bombshell was heard telling the close-knit group, adding that she was "just so excited."

Jess was toasting with a glass of champagne, so we're assuming she isn't "expecting" ... but could an engagement ring be en route? Stay tuned.

Paula's Week of 'Hell': Betrayed by Randy and Simon?

Paula Abdul made headlines again last week with speculation she was intoxicated during “American Idol” after she critiqued both of Jason Castro’s performances, even though he only sang one song.

While the media was told not to approach the touchy subject at last Wednesday’s taping, without any prompting, Paula made it clear she wanted to set the record straight. Not only did she fiercely deny being drunk, the notably upset and teary judge also expressed her disappointment that her co-stars Randy Jackson and Simon Cowell didn’t support her during the fumble.

“I’ve learned what it’s like to have brothers I’ve never had and sometimes they’re good and fair and they pet you nicely and sometimes they pull my hair and drag me across the room,” Paula said slowly, her voice shaking.

“It was a crazy show and they mixed things up without telling us, and I was busy worrying and wondering what to do because I did get confused. That's what makes Simon, and I'm sure the producers, excited, because it's off the cuff, and it's live, but you know, after seven years we do it the same way. At least I knew, by the way, somehow [scratches head], some way, it would be me at the center of the cockadoodoo. And of course, happy to oblige everybody.”

So while her “brothers” didn’t exactly hold her back at the time of confusion, Abdul said that since the “false” rumors of her drunkenness have been circling, the “Idol” team has been a wealth of support.

“These past days have been hell. I am very grateful and thankful that my extended, crazy family finally came to have my back because they saw how bad I get the blame for something I had nothing to do with,” she added. “They came to my rescue in the sense that a family does for their own after they saw how I was being talked about in a really false way. At least that washes away some of the hurt.”

Abdul, meanwhile, certainly knows how to smile though her hardships. The former L.A. Laker Girl attended the Lupus L.A. Orange Ball last Thursday, auctioning off two highly sought-after tickets to the "American Idol" finale for $14,000.

However, it seems she was in a "Rush Rush" to raise more, so at the last minute, Paula threw in an offer to dance at the highest bidder’s private party and presented them with an opportunity to sit in her seat on the "Idol" set. Needless to say, the lucky winner walked away $16,000 lighter.

Diddy 'Done' With Name Changes, Eats It at After-Party

Sean Combs has had a plethora of stage personalities over the years — calling himself anything and everything from Sean John to Puff Daddy to Puffy to P. Diddy before finally settling on Diddy.

So what name is next?

"I'm done changing my name," he told Pop Tarts after receiving a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on Friday. "I'm Diddy for good now, I'm content. This is me, and it's staying that way."

Combs' pal Jamie Foxx was also there for the celebrations, only he was more interested in boogying than bowing down to the man of the day.

"If anyone here ever has the pleasure to go to one of Diddy's parties, they're in for something special," Foxx told the fans after revving them up by singing some of Sean's tunes. "He throws the best parties; they are insane. Thirteen years ago, I couldn't even get into one of his parties."

Speaking of getting down and dirty, Diddy and his entourage of friends and family went wild at a white-decorated affair on Friday night.

Everyone from a dangerously waifish-looking Paris Hilton and her sister Nicky plus Ryan and Randy from "Idol," David Spade, David Arquette, Quincy Jones , Foxx and Ben Stiller partied the night away.

But remember, this is Diddy — an after-party is always a necessity. The exclusive shindigs kicked off in the Hollywood Hills just after 2 a.m., with celebrity DJ Kiss turning the tables as things got particularly hot and heavy in the upstairs bathroom.

After dancing (alone) on the dance floor, Diddy made his way upstairs, eating it as he tumbled onto the balcony before making his way into the bathroom with a couple of beautiful women.

However, his bodyguard was quick to bounce in to ensure everyone was on their best behavior. ...

"Get it together man," the rapper's pals told him after he emerged, appearing particularly peeved.

Dennis Rodman Enraged by His Girlfriend's Fling With a Goodwill Ambassador

Former NBA sensation Dennis Rodman was arrested last Wednesday night on suspicion of felony domestic battery toward his girlfriend Gina "Gigi" Peterson . However, it seems as though his anger toward the alleged abuse victim started some weeks ago, when he may have suspected she had feelings for someone else.

Gigi (who is in an ongoing divorce battle with George Peterson from “The Real Housewives of Orange County,” who six weeks ago filed a restraining order against her) was spotted by Pop Tarts spies at a nightclub in the O.C. area a couple of weeks ago.

Apparently, she was cozying up to a young man we’ve identified as Al Walser, a European pop singer and Goodwill Ambassador sent to the United States as the first biracial citizen from the tiny principality of Liechtenstein.

An insider told Tarts that while Rodman was also at the venue with Gina and Walser, the evening ended in chaos when a security guard had to calm him down after he suspected his girlfriend was having a “fling” with the ambassador.

An eyewitness said things got “very physical” between the not-so-cozy couple as Rodman held her down as Gina screamed at him to leave her alone.

“Things between them have been very rough since the start,” an insider close to Ms. Peterson added. “She’s put up with a lot.”

Miley Cyrus Officially Changes Name

Who knew tween starlet Miley Cyrus was actually legally called Destiny Hope Cyrus?

Well, that stands no longer. Lawyer William R. Sobel represented the "Hannah Montana" star at the Santa Monica Courthouse on Thursday morning, and the change was made official by Supervising Judge Gerald Rosenberg.

"She was never referred to as Destiny Hope," Sobel told the court. "Ever since childhood she has been Miley Ray, and the family wanted her common name to be her legal name."

However, Sobel obviously doesn't want even a touch of what his client has in terms of fame. After denying who he was prior to the hearing, the attorney quickly fled the room and remained incognito afterward, refusing comment.

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