Pop Tarts: Hayden Panettiere Likes Crashing Cars 'She Doesn’t Have to Pay For'

No matter how much money "Heroes" hottie Hayden Panettiere makes per year, she still is living proof that all famous people like living on the edge … especially when it comes free of charge.

"Racing cars are really cool, really fun and this is really realistic," the 18-year-old host of EA’s pro-street-racing game "Need for Speed" launch party told Pop Tarts Tuesday night at Les Deux in L.A. "I love doing all kinds of racing — I love racing pretty cars, crashing them, and I don’t have to pay for them. Good times."

But when the pom-pom princess got her license not so long ago, her celebration was a little less lively.

"I do remember when I got my license, and I think I took my friends — I was in Rockland County, N.Y., where I’m from, and we went to Starbucks," she said. "I picked my friends up and went to Starbucks. That’s what we did. There were not many other places to go in Rockland County."

Click to Watch Hayden Talk About Car-Crashing and Her 'Need for Speed'

So Hayden may be escaping any arrests as she does her car-crashing in the comfort of her living room, but the starlet has told E! News that she is wanted in Japan.

Miss P. recently protested on the sands of the Asian nation in a campaign to save dolphins, which could see her having to start her very own "Save Hayden from the Hothouse" campaign.

Meanwhile, when she's not out saving the world, this girl knows to hibernate when she's not looking her very best.

"I have ugly days all the time," she told Pop Tarts at Thursday's Victoria's Secret fashion show. "Let's hope the show doesn't give me a complex ... I know to stay inside in my sweat pants and eat ice cream to feel better."

And even though he is a "Hero" on-screen, Hayden’s co-star Masi Oka is causing chaos on the already frightful freeways of Los Angeles.

"The other day I almost indirectly caused a car accident. There was a fan next to me who was driving; he, like, drove past me and then he slowed down and then he went honk honk and was rolling down the window: 'Yo, yo, what up, what up,'" Oka said.

"I’m, like, 'this is a freeway,' right, the 101, and I’m like, 'hey, thanks,' and then he rolled it down and went full blast with both hands up. I’m like, 'dude, wheel,' and the next thing you know the car in front of him hit the brakes so he had a little fender bender right up the rear. Yeah, I felt like a hot chick at that moment, I guess."

Speaking of hot chicks, former "Search for a Supermodel" star Adrianne Curry has taken her clothes off (again) to pose for another cover of Playboy.

"I’m excited about the mag coming out — I don’t know how many people of my caliber, meaning Z-list reality TV star whose 15 minutes should have been up like three years ago, got the cover twice, so I’m incredibly proud. I love Hef," she told us.

But it seems as though Pop Tarts has stirred up some trouble between the potty-mouthed model and her hubby, Christopher Knight (aka Peter Brady), by bringing up the possibility of Curry getting it on with the men’s mag mogul in the mansion…

"Now that’d be a problem. Moving into the mansion, yeah, it’d be a problem," Knight said. "She can’t move into the mansion. She can take photos; she can be on the magazine. She can’t move into the mansion. He hasn’t asked you to move into the mansion, has he?"

"I love Hef but … I’ve got my own pimp daddy," Curry responded. "I love Holly [Hef's girlfriend Holly Madison]. I don’t think I could move in on her stuff."

"But you aren’t saying no directly," Knight said. "Adrianne, we need to go outside and talk about this…"

Dang — are there blues among the Brady Bunch?

Britney: Puffy Lips and ADD?

Britney Spears is set to swear in court that it was her medication for attention deficit disorder that caused a positive reading in her drug test last week, TMZ reported.

Spears got the thumbs-up reading for having an amphetamine in her system, and now her peeps are pledging that just like Paris Hilton, the songstress is on Adderall to curb her ADD and wild ways.

Meanwhile, K-Fed's lawyer Mark Vincent Kaplan still is expected to hightail it to court on Friday and request that Brit be banned from driving with her kiddies in the car following her reported red-light run last week.

But all the bizarre behavior we have grown accustomed to from our Brit has been topped off with some more pics of her lips looking a little bloated...

Click to view Britney's bloated lips

So is this "Crazy" look a result of needles or naughtiness with a significant other? Stay tuned...

Homeless 'Hands': Jewel's Life on the Streets

She may be a multimillion-dollar singing sensation, but as is widely known, Jewel once was a street girl searching for something to "Save Her Soul."

"I experienced homelessness when I was 13 years old," she said. "I don’t think people realize there are over a million kids that are forced onto the street because the street feels safer than their home life and they're not able to support themselves — you can't get a job that’s legal; you're too young to work so you're stealing, shoplifting, you're panhandling. About 70 percent of the kids end up in the sex trade, then they get prosecuted as criminals instead of victims."

But luckily for the multiplatinum, Grammy-winning glamour girl, she was rescued just before she crossed the law-line by Flea of the Red Hot Chili Peppers in 1993 when he discovered her playing in a coffee shop.

"I fared better than a lot of people," she added. "A lot of my friends ended up being dancers and exotic entertainers. I never did end up doing that — I had a singing gig once a week and that ended up working well for me."

And now the singer/songwriter is working well for the youth of America, no "Foolish Games" involved. Jewel is working her voice to raise awareness about homeless kids and urging the government to forge a friendship with fractured families.

"I think ultimately, homeless youth comes down to a breakdown on the family level," Jewel said. "How is the government going to make families functional? But when it comes to trying to help them and give them assistance for getting out, I do think it’s important that the government step in and try and find systems that do work."

Victoria's Secret Exclusive: Marisa Miller Likes a Boost

She may be a married woman, but that doesn’t mean the world’s sexiest swimsuit supermodel, Marisa Miller, won’t accept a "Very Sexy" gift. So for all the guys out there, get this glamour girl something to boost her bust!

"Oh — my personal favorite is the It Bra from the Body by Victoria Collection. It gives me full coverage and lift," she told Pop Tarts exclusively on Tuesday as we shopped with the beachside babe in Hollywood. "So this is the bra I wear probably 80 percent of the time — I can’t get enough of it."

And it seems the California native can’t get enough of getting "intimate" after dark, either.

"I wear the Intimacy Slip, which is good for a woman like me who doesn't want to show everything, but it's still extremely sexy and it's comfortable, too," she said. "And I love having lush lips, too … that is very important for a lot of reasons."

Click to see our shopping spree with Miller

So while your imagination runs rampant, is Mrs. Miller going to go from model to mogul like bra-bud Heidi Klum, who recently launched her own VS makeup line?

"I would love to design a line of swimwear with them — I am a water baby," she told us. "It's funny because I think growing up I was a tomboy, played a lot of sports. So it's funny that my job has taken this direction, because I'm really like a T-shirt-and-jeans kind of girl and my friends always laugh when they see me, because they know me and I'm really low-key."

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