Pop Tarts: Alicia Silverstone’s Goal: To See Oprah Winfrey Naked

Alicia Silverstone may have famously said in “Clueless” that she “totally intends to stop for animals” when she gets her reel-life driver’s license, but now the Hollywood hottie has dedicated her real life to saving creatures and critters.

“I’m excited to see Carrie Underwood perform tonight because she’s a fellow vegetarian,” Silverstone told Pop Tarts on the green carpet of Sunday’s “Movies Rock” concert to celebrate the many years of music in film. “Vegan is my life at the moment; I’m very dedicated to the cause.”

Silverstone left nothing to the imagination earlier this year by flashing all of her flesh for a PETA campaign, but it turns out she has high hopes for another star to “go naked rather than wear fur."

“I would love to see Oprah naked — that’s a goal for me,” she said. “It would be great if she became a vegetarian; she is a very powerful woman and would really get the message across.”

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Speaking of messages, Quentin Tarantino wants us all to know just how humble he really is. …

“I watch my movies all the time. It’s the only stuff out there worth watching,” he said. “And the music in my movies is always the best, too. I’ve always just felt that the combining of the right piece of music with the right scene, the right sequence, that creates movie moments that you remember for the rest of your life and you even appropriate the song. If you do it really right, then you can never hear that song again without thinking about that scene in the movie.“

But back in her younger years, Mary J. Blige was motivated to go the movies for booty rather than the beat.

“Growing up I went to the movies to see 'Krush Groove' probably 10 times,” said Blige, whose new album “Growing Pains” is out next week. “It was a big hip-hop movie back then, and I went just so I could see L.L. Cool J say 'butts.'"

Another Movies Rock tidbit: When Stacy "Fergie" Ferguson had to make a mad dash inside to pull herself into some tight leather pants to perform “Live and Let Die," Pop Tarts saw "the Duchess” almost take a dive before quickly being rescued by her personal protector.

Britney's Back With Paris!

It seems Britney Spears is back to boogying with her past party pal Paris Hilton.

Spears celebrated her 26th birthday on Saturday night in a Scandinavian-style mansion in Bel Air alongside the “Simple Life” star.

And we are pleased to announce that the private party was strangely normal for our bizarre Britney — she had a cake with candles and “Happy Birthday Brit” was belted out. Awww.

Our sources even tell us that Spears swung into the sauna on Saturday with the hotel heiress at the Four Seasons in Beverly Hills. The two apparently giggled and gossiped just like the good ol' days. ...

And as for the proclamations that Britney is pregnant, a source very close to Spears has assured Pop Tarts that her belly is empty.

"She is definitely not pregnant and has had no pregnancy scares in recent times," the source said. "Next thing you know we will be hearing that she's adopted kids out from her teen years or something."

Well, nothing would surprise us. ...

Casting Call: Britney/Lindsay & the Chipmunks

The actors in the latest “Alvin & the Chipmunks” movie (Jason Lee, Justin Long, Jesse McCartney and Matthew Gray Gubler) are pushing for Tinseltown’s most troubled ladies to make music with them.

“The Chipmunks needs some Chipettes to croon with,” Gubler told Pop Tarts. “I think someone like Britney.”

Long, who is reportedly still the lover of Drew Barrymore, agreed that “Toxic” trouble is what’s missing from the memorable and magical movie.

“Someone like Britney would be good,” he said. “Someone trashy and in the down and out … and with father issues like Lindsay. They’d be good as girlfriends and as Chipmunks.”

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Slash Comes Clean

Yes ... Slash does occasionally take off his hat.

The curly-haired rocker and star of the new video game “Guitar Heroes III” told Pop Tarts at the recent American Music Awards that he does remove his hat, but “never in the public eye."

In his new self-titled autobiography, Slash is open about the fact that he had many wild years on tour with Guns N' Roses — and he now wants to make it clear that he is the only one who has come forward to truthfully reveal why the band's bond broke.

“No matter what it is that I say, somehow it gets twisted and goes in a certain direction that I'm not really comfortable with,” Slash told Pop Tarts last week.

“And there's a lot of rumors and there's a lot of stuff on the Internet that's being bandied around that is really inaccurate and I'm just finding, I finally got to a point where I said I need to sort of settle the score a little bit and make sure that at least my point of view is factual in print somewhere, so I sort of resigned to writing a book.”

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