Politics and The California Fires

Politics and the California fires, that is the subject of this evening's "Talking Points Memo." While thousands of Californians have lost their homes to the flames, and almost a million people have been displaced, the usual political loons are trying to define the fire in an ideological way.

A quick trip to the extremist Web sites is nauseated. One right-wing nut is blaming the fires on illegal immigrants. A left-wing loon is hoping President Bush is killed by the fire when he goes to California tomorrow. And then there are the politicians. Lieutenant Governor John Garamendi says that the president's visit will be a distraction. And the fire is worse because of Iraq.


LT. GOV. JOHN GARAMENDI: OK, President Bush comes out, we'll be polite. But frankly, that's not the solution. How about sending our National Guard back from Iraq so that we have those people available here to help us?


Well, a quick check with the Pentagon revealed this.


PAUL MCHALE, ASST. DEFENSE SECRETARY: I can tell you unequivocally that the ongoing war fighting activities in Centcom have had no negative effect at all with our regard to our ability to assist sufficient forces to assist civilian authorities in fighting the wildfires.


So is Secretary McHale lying? Senators Boxer and Reid have also said Iraq has drained manpower and machinery from the fire.

But "The Factor" has learned that about 17,000 National Guard are available right now, but not needed. So you make the call on Boxer and Reid.

Another disturbing charge, this one in the San Diego Trib says military planes could have been used to drop fire retardant early on when not used. However, the Defense Department told "The Factor" as soon as California asked for those planes, they were made available.

Now there is no question that some reporters are avidly looking to place blame for the fires. And that led to this confrontation between Governor Schwarzenegger and ABC reporter Claire Shiffman.


GOV. ARNOLD SCHWARZENNEGER, CALIFORNIA: Trust me when I tell you, you're looking for a mistake and you won't find it because it's all good news. As much as you may hate it, but it's good news.

CLAIRE SHIFFMAN: I don't hate it...


All right. And then there are the environmental people like actress Jamie Lee Curtis.


JAMIE LEE CURTIS, ACTRESS: We live in a drought. We build houses too close to brush areas. And we're shocked when this happens. This is not an accident. This is not an act of God. This is an act of man.


Though there are politics all over the spectrum. The truth is that southern California is one of the nicest places on earth to live climate and convenience wise. So millions are packed into a relatively small area that is very vulnerable to nature.

It's not about Iraq, not about President Bush, it's not about nutty ideologues. It's about life in the USA.

And that's the Memo.

Pinheads and Patriots

Our pal, Judge Andrew Napolitano's, new book coming out next Tuesday, called "A Nation of Sheep". In this book, the judge explains the Constitution so even I can understand it. That's always a good thing. For writing "A Nation of Sheep", Napolitano is a patriot.

On the pinhead front, the Sundance Kid is at it again. Robert Redford has directed a new movie that puts America in a bad light. And he's in Italy, blasting his country.


ROBERT REDFORD, ACTOR/DIRECTOR: Our country has hit a point where we have lost so much. We've lost lives. We've lost sacred freedoms. We've lost financial stability. We've lost our position of respect on the world stage.


Now, whether you agree with Redford or not, running around the world saying America has lost freedom qualifies the actor as a major pinhead.

—You can catch Bill O'Reilly's "Talking Points Memo" and "Most Ridiculous Item" weeknights at 8 and 11 p.m. ET on the FOX News Channel and any time on foxnews.com/oreilly. Send your comments to: oreilly@foxnews.com