Plastic Surgeons Pick 2008's Most-Asked-For Faces and Physiques

Plastic surgeons should thank People and US Magazine every time a patient name-drops a celebrity in their office.

Seeing Angelina Jolie, Halle Berry, Reese Witherspoon, Brad Pitt and Zac Efron at grocery store checkouts and dentist offices largely determines what cosmetic procedures plastic surgeons are performing every day.

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“The most popular stars on TV and in movies are the ones my patients seem to want to look like,” says Dr. Pradeep Sinha of the Atlanta Institute for Facial Aesthetic Surgery. “'The Hills' is a very popular show. I’ve never watched it, but I know what my patients are talking about when they say they want Lauren Conrad’s fuller cheek.”

And fame, not perfection, is key.

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“They don’t randomly pick a perfect-looking model,” Sinha says. “They pick someone who has more exposure. They are all drawn to the same few people.”

So who are the chosen few?

“Angelina Jolie and Halle Berry are mainstays,” says Los Angeles-based plastic surgeon Dr. Garth Fisher, who guest-starred on Extreme Makeover, and is the ex-husband of "Dancing With the Stars" winner Brooke Burke. “Angelina’s lips and eyes, and Halle’s eyes, nose and breasts.”

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But in 2008, there are some new body parts on the block.

Megan Fox and Katherine Heigl’s eyes are getting more mentions this year, the doctors say. Charlize Theron and Jessica Alba’s noses have replaced Sharon Stone’s. And Carrie Underwood’s full, youthful cheeks have bumped off Heather Locklear.

And how about the guys?

Fisher says men of all ages are asking for Zac Efron's eyes and Daniel Craig and Hugh Jackman’s angular jawlines. Now that Jackman has snatched People’s Sexiest Man Alive title from, well, the jaws of Brad Pitt and George Clooney, the doctors think they'll be getting even more Jackman requests.

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Men and women both desire fuller lips, so Jolie, Mario Lopez, Beyonce, Jessica Alba and Liv Tyler’s pouts are in demand. “If you look at Beyonce’s and Mario’s lips, they are full enough where you just want to kiss them!” Fisher says.

Sinha says he frequently gets requests for Jennifer Aniston’s nose, although he isn't a big fan. “It’s not perfect, but people seem to like it,” he says.

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But despite pages and pages of stars to choose from, there is one big winner in 2008: Scarlett Johansson.

Fisher and Sinha both say Johansson has the perfect trifecta of lips, cheek structure and breasts. “Scarlett has the ideal apple-shaped face – full in the cheek that tapers down at the jaw,” says Fisher. And her cleavage is apparently perky perfection. “It used to be Pamela Anderson,” Fisher says. “But now women want smaller, more natural. C is the popular size.”

Besides her looks, Scarlett’s likability may be as big a factor in her cosmetic popularity. Stars portrayed less favorably by the media aren’t in demand at all, says Sinha, no matter how pretty or famous.

“I don’t get requests for Paris Hilton, Nicole Richie, Lindsay Lohan or Britney Spears,” he says. “We tend to want to look like people who are seen in a positive light, not a negative one.”