Planet Mancow

Sun., Nov. 26 at 9 p.m. ET & Mon., Nov. 27 12 a.m. ET
Hosted by Mancow

Come on a journey with Erich "Mancow" Muller to a parallel Universe he likes to call "Planet Mancow."

Mancow, best known for his syndicated radio program "Mancow's Morning Madhouse," brings a new perspective and wit to our ever-changing world.

"Planet Mancow" features a "different" kind of interview with William Shatner, who talks about playing Captain T. Kirk and how "Star Trek" impacted so many lives — even some Vietnam POWs.

Plus, see the interview that got Mancow and Shatner thrown off the set of "Boston Legal."

Then, did our government mastermind the attacks of 9/11? Mancow rips into 9/11 conspiracy enthusiast Kevin Smith and talks with Brian Harvey, a New York City firefighter who was at Ground Zero that horrific day.

And, Mancow exposes the online lingo that everyone's using and raps with YouTube stars "Lazydork" and "Triviagirl."

It's a whole new world — get ready for "Planet Mancow."

It's a FOX News special that don't want to miss — "Planet Mancow," Sunday at 9 p.m. ET & Monday at 12 a.m.