Personalized Scents for the Presidential Candidates

Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine:

Information Please

Federal archivists at the Clinton Presidential Library are refusing to release hundreds of pages of documents relating to some of the 140 pardons given in the final day of the Clinton presidency — including that of fugitive Marc Rich. The commodities trader was wanted on tax evasion charges. His ex-wife was a major contributor to both Clintons.

USA Today reports the archivists' decisions were based on guidance provided by the former president restricting the disclosure of advice given by his aides. The Clinton library made about 4,000 pages of documents available this week. But 1,500pages were either partially or totally redacted. That included 300 pages dealing with internal White House communications relating to pardon decisions. The Clinton library says the National Archives is responsible for deciding which records are withheld.

Battle Plans

A memo from the National Republican Congressional Committee indicates the GOP will target 23 Democratic incumbents for defeat this fall. Roll Call reports the targets include several freshmen and focus on Democrats serving in Republican-leaning districts that voted for President Bush in 2004.

A committee spokesman says Democrats will have a hard time defending their record with congressional approval hovering near record lows. But a Democratic spokesman responds there is more truth in the National Enquirer than in the hastily thrown together, factually inaccurate memo.

Teaching at Home

California parents who home school their children are reeling from a court decision earlier this week that all students must be taught by credentialed teachers. The San Francisco Chronicle reports many home schooling parents avoid truancy laws by forming private schools and enrolling their children — but the parents are not certified teachers. The president of The Home School Legal Defense Association says the ruling effectively bans home schooling in California.

The head of the state's largest teachers union applauds the decision — which means parents who disobey could be subject to criminal prosecution. One home schooling parent says she is ready for a fight — "I'm kind of hoping some truancy officer shows up on my doorstep. I'm ready. I have damn good arguments."

Sweet Smell of Success

And West Virginia perfume designer April Cline says she wants to do something about the perception that politicians stink. So she has created specific scents for each of the three major presidential candidates — and is selling them on her Web site.

Cline says the fragrance for Hillary Clinton is "strong and clean, delicate floral blend of jasmine, violet, rose and sheerest musk."

The Barack Obama scent has "clean citrusy notes of bergamot and musk"

And the John McCain formula has "clean notes of bergamot, water lily and lavender woven with cool greens and frosty musk."

Cline says so far Clinton's scent has sold the most, followed by Obama and McCain.

FOX News Channel's Martin Hill contributed to this report.