Pat Robertson's Dire Prediction

Hello Everyone and Happy New Year!

Can you believe it's 2007? I already wrote a check and had to double-check myself when I almost wrote 2006! I hope you had a wonderful New Year's celebration.

Today on the show we talked about New Year's predictions, specifically from evangelist Pat Robertson. His big prediction is that a major terrorist attack will happen somewhere in the U.S. after September of this year and it will affect millions of people. He says he received word from God about this event. He's put out predictions before — some right and some wrong. Hopefully he will not be right about this one.

We also had Bill O'Reilly on the phone, talking about the 110th Congress being sworn in tomorrow. Will Republicans and Democrats finally get along? Will the Democrats live up to their pledge of including the Republicans? We'll debate that tomorrow with John Boehner and Steny Hoyer.

Have a wonderful Wednesday and we hope to see you tomorrow morning again for "FOX & Friends"!


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