Paris Hilton: 'God Has Given Me This New Chance'

Paris Hilton will no longer "act dumb" now that God has given her a "new chance" in prison, she told Barbara Walters on Sunday in a collect phone call she made to the newswoman from prison.

"'I used to act dumb. It was an act. That act is no longer cute. It is not who I am,'" Walters quoted the hotel heiress as saying when she recounted the phone call she had with Hilton Monday on "The View."

Meanwhile, 26-year-old Hilton may have been let out early over the weekend because she allegedly suffers from Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and claustrophobia, reported.

The socialite has "extreme" ADD and claustrophobia and is taking the drug Adderall for the former condition, according to TMZ, which reported Monday that Hilton wasn't receiving all her medications while she was in jail. The celebrity gossip Web site didn't elaborate, saying its unidentified sources were not specific.

In any case, all of that led Hilton to have "severe" anxiety attacks while she was behind bars, and there were times she was in such bad shape that she wasn't able to push the panic button in her cell, according to TMZ. Those circumstances could have caused the sheriff to allow Hilton to go free early.

Why did Paris get let out of jail?

Hilton is now back in prison, serving out the remainder of her sentence for violating probation on reckless driving charges.

She phoned Walters Sunday to discuss her state of mind, her experience behind bars and how she feels she has changed.

"'I'm not the same person I was,'" Walters said Hilton told her, reading from notes she'd taken during the conversation. "'I know now that I can make a difference.'"

She told Walters she wanted to do something meaningful with her life, like raise money for breast cancer since she's had relatives who have been afflicted with the disease.

Hilton also said she wanted to be a better role model for the young girls who look up to her, according to Walters. She said she decided to drop her appeal because she didn't want to cause any more trouble, and prison and the chaos surrounding her sentence have made her realize she must clean up her act.

"God has given me this new chance," she said. "I've become much more spiritual."

Walters said she sounded tired, but totally aware of what she was saying. Hilton told Walters how terrible her initial three days in jail were.

"I was not eating or sleeping," she said. "I was severely depressed and felt as if I was in a cage. ... It was a horrible experience."

Gone are the expensive clothes, perfectly coiffed hair and makeup Hilton usually wears. Prisoners aren't allowed to wear makeup, and she has donned the orange-and-brown jumpsuit every inmate must dress in. Walters said she told her she hasn't looked in a mirror once since she's been behind bars.

Walters said Hilton has served nine days of her 23-day sentence and has 14 left. She is scheduled to be released June 25.

The jailhouse call came about because Kathy Hilton, Paris' mother, phoned Walters. During the conversation, Paris rang in on another line just after 3 p.m. EDT.

When told that Kathy was talking to Walters, Paris said she'd like to speak to Walters herself because she has interviewed her several times and is a family friend, according to Walters. Paris then called Walters herself. The call was collect because all prisoners are required to call collect when they phone someone.

"Did you accept the charges?" joked Elisabeth Hasselbeck during the discussion about the conversation on "The View."

Walters said Hilton was reading The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and all the fan letters she's received while she was in her room. During short breaks outside her cell, she plays ping pong, she told Walters.

Walters said Hilton didn't complain or cry during their conversation. Walters said Kathy Hilton told her that her daughter said she will never take another drink and drive.

Nicky Hilton, Paris' younger sister, described the jailed debutante as "being strong" on her way out of a jailhouse visit on Sunday. In a statement earlier that day, Paris directed her lawyers not to appeal her sentence and urged the media to focus on more important things like Iraq.

Meanwhile, Hilton pals cut a long line of visitors Sunday to see Hilton behind bars, according to the New York Post.

Nicky Hilton and Paris' on-again, off-again boyfriend Stavros Niarchos pulled up to downtown L.A.'s Twin Towers Correctional Facility in a Range Rover chauffeured by family friend David Katzenberg, son of DreamWorks honcho Jeffrey Katzenberg, the Post reported.

L.A. County sheriff's deputies rushed to greet Nicky and Niarchos, escorting them inside and processing them in about 15 minutes — compared to the two to four hours non-VIPs have to wait on line.

Several visitors waiting outside the jail screamed, "Get in line!"

After a half-hour visit, Nicky said her sister was holding up as well as possible.

Paris is allowed one hour of visits from family and friends on Sundays and Tuesdays.

"She's being strong," said Nicky, wearing a white, Sunday-best dress.

Robin Fause, 45, who was in line to visit her boyfriend at Twin Towers, was outraged by Nicky's express check-in.

"Yesterday, I waited about four hours," Fause fumed, according to the Post. "This isn't right. We take off our Saturdays and Sundays to come here and do this."

Also Sunday, Paris was moved from her solitary room in the medical wing to the general medical ward, a jailhouse source told the Post.

And prison officials are so afraid that someone will sneak in a camera and take unauthorized pictures of her that everyone — even guards — are frisked before they're allowed to enter the area. They even have to take their shoes off, sources told the Post.

Rumors were swirling that a shot of Hilton behind bars would be worth $1 million.

"She's in an open area with beds," a jail worker said. "She's calmed down a lot since yesterday afternoon. She doesn't like being by herself, so they moved her to the medical ward."

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FOX News' Catherine Donaldson-Evans contributed to this report.