Pampered Pooches Enjoy Spa Treatment Ahead of Westminster Dog Show

Tense show dogs and their owners attempted to de-stress before the start of the annual Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show on Monday by enjoying a full range of canine-oriented spa treatments.

Pooches of every stripe and color enjoyed complimentary baths, grooming and trimming, and even took jogs on a doggy-treadmill in the lobby of New York’s Hotel Pennsylvania.

Nora, a 3-year-old Dalmatian currently ranked third in the U.S., enjoyed a 15-minute jog on the treadmill as her owner, Kelly Rauschmeier, 17, explained the appeal of the spa.

"It's really nice to have the spa for her, because she's not used to the streets of New York," Rauschmeier said.

An estimated 800 to 1,000 people and their dogs were expected to check into the hotel Sunday for the competition, which was scheduled to take place Monday and Tuesday at Madison Square Garden.

Source Link: New York Post