Oprah and the Kids: Part Two

Big reaction to my appearance on the Oprah program on Wednesday, February 21. Most of the letters were very kind. Most of the folks get the fact that all decent people have to rally against child predators and those who protect them.

I also made an appeal on the Oprah program for fathers to constantly tell their children they'll protect them. — That they're their champions. I got this letter from Johnny Knight who lives in Illinois.

"O'Reilly, I took your advice and explained to my 8-year-old that I will protect her no matter what happens. After I was finished she told me I was her champion."

Well, way to go, Johnny. And I believe many fathers did exactly the same thing. But I also received this letter from Heather Tashjian who lives in Burbank, California.

"Bill, loved you on Oprah, but you got hammered on some chat boards. They say you owe Shawn Hornbeck an apology for insinuating he wanted to stay with his abductor. What say you?"

Well, Heather, I say the far left loons who took my analysis out of context are despicable. These people haven't done a single thing to protect kids from danger in this country. Our reporting on the Hornbeck case has been dead-on accurate.

We have introduced Child Sexual Abuse Accommodation Syndrome to a world that badly needs to understand that concept. These vile individuals who have attacked us are doing so for political reasons and I condemn them in the strongest terms.

We were also attacked by Vermont State Senator Dick Sears in the ultra-left Bennington Banner. Mr. Sears contends that Vermont's law, a mandatory five-year sentence for violent child predators, is tough. OK, I'm ready to listen to Mr. Sears' point of view. We've invited him to appear tomorrow and we'll let you know what happens.

Finally, I can't say enough good things about Oprah, who is using her powerful program to bring the problem of child abuse to the world's attention. No matter what you think about me and my methods, you need to think about this problem. And Oprah spotlights it.

Child sexual predators have no place in our society. And we will continue to make life as difficult as possible for them and for the people who sympathize with them.

And that's "The Memo."

Most Ridiculous Item

Actress Jennifer Aniston is furious that a picture taken of her on a movie set topless is being exploited on the Internet.

The movie studio Universal is suing blogger Perez Hilton, saying Mr. Hilton stole the picture and is using it to make money and embarrass Ms. Aniston.

Ridiculous? Of course it is. We side with the actress and the movie studio.

—You can catch Bill O'Reilly's "Talking Points Memo" and "Most Ridiculous Item" weeknights at 8 and 11 p.m. ET on the FOX News Channel and any time on foxnews.com/oreilly. Send your comments to: oreilly@foxnews.com