Ohio Rep. Charlie Wilson Enjoys Movie Despite It Not Being About Him

The new film "Charlie Wilson's War" made $9.6 million over the weekend, but Ohio's 6th District congressman isn't taking credit.

That's because the film isn't about freshman Democratic Rep. Charlie Wilson. And he wants to make sure everyone knows that.

"I’ve been asked what seems like a thousand times if the book and story are about me," the Ohio Wilson said in a press statement.

According to the congressman, several incidents have occurred as a result of having the same name as the retired Texas Democratic playboy and Cold War warrior who helped secure U.S. funding for the Afghan insurgency against the invading Soviets. The film based on the ex-lawmaker's life opened nationwide on Friday.

— While walking through the airport in Atlanta, the current Rep. Wilson saw the George Crile book on which the movie is based and picked it up. When he pulled out a credit card to pay for it, the clerk asked if he were the subject of the tome.

— When trailers for the movie started running on television, Wilson said concerned friends called to ask if a negative political campaign was being launched against him.

— Last week, a reporter from Madrid, called the office to get a photo of Wilson that he could use in a story about the film starring Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts.

"Wrong Charlie Wilson, wrong war," spokeswoman Hillary Wicai Viers told the reporter. The freshman Democrat opposes the war in Iraq.

The two are alike in one way — they both have lived the single life during their congressional service. The comparison in that regard stops there.

Wilson of Ohio said if he ever gets to meet Wilson of Texas, he'll tell him: "I’ve heard so much about you! Really! I have."

One example to back up that claim would be a few words he overheard after the preview of the film last week in Washington, D.C. Of course, he can't be absolutely certain if the couple he overheard was speaking about the Texas Wilson.

"Tom Hanks sure did a good job, but he’s no Charlie Wilson."