Ohio Gas Station Cashier Turns $10 Into $1 Million

It's a good thing Kristina Schneider, a gas station cashier in Northeast Ohio, followed her own advice.

Schneider, a single mother to a 9-year-old girl, always tells her customers to buy the last lottery ticket on the end of the scratch-off roll. Last week, after finding $10 on the floor of her BP station, she bought the last ticket herself — and won $1 million, Cleveland's Plain Dealer reported.

After the Canton resident found the $10, she first asked all the customers in the store if they'd dropped it — and no one claimed it. Then, when a regular customer came in to buy two Magnificent Millions lottery tickets, she tried to convince him to buy the last ticket.

"I'm always joking with customers, telling them that 'you know that last one is the winner,'" Schneider told the Plain Dealer.

After he refused, she bought the ticket herself and scratched off the winning ticket.

Schneider said plans to go back to school herself, and start a college trust fund for her daughter, with her winnings.

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