Octomom Squares Off With Own Mother in Online Video

This is a rush transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," February 24, 2009. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

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BILL O'REILLY, HOST: In the "Factor Follow-up" segment tonight: As of yesterday, the octuplet babies were stable, in stable condition at the Kaiser Permanente Hospital in southern California. Doctors expect the eight babies to remain there until late spring. The cost to the taxpayer could hit $5 million this year alone.

The California Department of Social Services tell us they will monitor all 14 of Nadya Suleman's young children, three of whom already have disabilities. By the way, the smallest octuplet baby still weighs just one and three quarters pounds. The babies will be supervised by Ms. Suleman and her mother, Angela Suleman, but the two are not exactly getting along these days. And they are dumb enough to prove it in public.

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NADYA SULEMAN, "OCTOMOM": Learn to let go of what I chose to do. You didn't accept it. Move forward.


N. SULEMAN: Stop stagnating on being fixated.

A. SULEMAN: I'm not at that…

N. SULEMAN: Place. You're not at that place yet.

A. SULEMAN: No, I am not.

N. SULEMAN: I planned on one growing, at the most two. So if that happened, what's the difference?

A. SULEMAN: You should have considered your other six children.

N. SULEMAN: OK, but I still was not going to destroy the embryos, period. Done, done, done.

A. SULEMAN: You had another option. You didn't have to have them destroyed.


A. SULEMAN: You didn't have to.

N. SULEMAN: What option?

A. SULEMAN: The other option is give them up for adoption. There are so many.

N. SULEMAN: Give the embryos up for adoption?

A. SULEMAN: How are you going to be able to provide for them? Fourteen. Think about it Nadya, 14.

N. SULEMAN: I have to let go of my need to control everything and I have to accept the help that's been offered.

A. SULEMAN: I hope you'll get help. I really hope so.


O'REILLY: Joining us now from Boston, FOX News analyst Dr. Keith Ablow, who has been closely following the story. You know, this is getting worse and worse. Why in the middle of this would these ladies go on a Web site in front of everybody and say this stuff? I have no idea. Do you?

DR. KEITH ABLOW, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well, I have a suspicion. You know, it's just a really angry exchange, and you have the octomom essentially attacking her own mother, attacking, I'd say her fertility in a certain way. She represents the unlimited ability to create a factory for babies. She's sitting there with the woman who she feels deprived her of siblings, and I think she is sort of attacking her womanhood. She is tremendously enraged.

O'REILLY: All right. So you see Nadya Suleman, the mother now of 14 young babies, as an angry woman. Is she under control?

ABLOW: Very.

O'REILLY: Is she under control?

ABLOW: Well, that's a good question. Listen, No. 1, under control. There's nothing that says that she can't go back and try to have more babies. There's nothing that says that these 14 children are going to fill her up in terms of her needs, which are clearly nearly unlimited. It's all about her. It's really a question as to whether she can nurture children at all. The authorities have to evaluate whether she can mother. They must come in.

O'REILLY: All right. Now we spoke to the deputy director of public affairs for the California Department of Social Services today, Liselda Lopez. We put a lot of pressure on the state of California all the way up to Governor Schwarzenegger's office to provide oversight to the 14 children. Now the babies aren't going to be out until probably this summer. Last time you were on "The Factor," you said you might even consider taking the babies away from Ms. Suleman. Do you still feel that way?

ABLOW: I feel it has to be looked at. The open question here — look, there has been a kind of abuse and neglect already committed. She has brought into the world eight children to join her six existing children without the financial resources to do so, jeopardizing the health of eight little babies, one of whom you already have identified is still below two pounds. Way below. She's already identified herself as a dangerous woman, sure. It might be that she can't be the primary caretaker for these kids. They have to look at that. And she's an angry woman. She's attacking her mom on national television about fertility. And listen, you know what? Some of these dynamics are very strange. I don't know what happened in that house, but to see a mother and daughter arguing over who is more fertile brings up real questions.

O'REILLY: And particularly because they do it in public. You know, I guess Ms. Suleman wants to be a star. I guess she wants to be someone who's in the magazines, on television, on the Net, you know, because I've been in the business long enough, the television business to know when somebody likes the camera. And will put them through — themselves through Jerry Springer or whatever crazy stuff is available. And she looks like one of those people.

ABLOW: I think that that's true. I think what she wants is unlimited love. This is narcissism on display. The question is what are the roots of that narcissism? In other words, whose unlimited love was she really looking for? Was it that she couldn't get enough of her dad, for instance? Is that why she ends up back in her house?

O'REILLY: Right, we can't do that.

ABLOW: Almost as a 15th sibling.

O'REILLY: From New York and Boston. So the primary focus of "The Factor's" attention is on the children.

ABLOW: Absolutely.

O'REILLY: We are happy that the California Department of Social Services knows that we're interested. The country's interested. Those babies have to be monitored. I think the taxpayers in California are going to take a bill, you know, before these babies are 5 years old, I'd say it's going to be $10 to $15 million with all the health issues they're going to have, all the welfare they're going to have to receive. It's going to be — and the doctor who did this, I want to see the man punished. I want to see the doctor who implanted those eight embryos punished.

ABLOW: He needs to be punished because this is a groundbreaking case. You know, it's almost like witnessing a school shooting and saying, oh no, I hope this doesn't become the template for more. We'll be back on talking about another Nadya.

O'REILLY: Well, I hope not. All right, doctor, thanks very much as always.

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