NY Teacher Accused of Sex With Student

This is a partial transcript from "Hannity & Colmes," March 8, 2007, that has been edited for clarity.

ALAN COLMES, CO-HOST: Welcome back to "Hannity & Colmes". Twenty-three-year-old Emily Streb was arraigned yesterday in charges of having an affair with her 16-year-old special ed student who suffers from depression and other problems. Streb was the 16-year-old's music teacher and allegedly had sex with him multiple times.

The boy had reportedly denied claims to the school's investigator but then later admitted something was going on to his mother, who then turned and called the police. The judge released Streb without setting bail but has issued a full order of protection, barring her from contacting the student.

Joining us now, Florida prosecutor Pam Bondi and host of the "Dr. Keith Ablow Show", forensic psychiatrist Dr. Keith Ablow.

Keith, how many more times? How many more incidents? They always get caught. It's always ugly. And is it — are these people who just can't help themselves?

DR. KEITH ABLOW, "THE DR. KEITH ABLOW SHOW": Well, Alan, you know, they don't always get caught. That's part of the trouble. I think that there's an unknown number of cases out there. We know the ones that do get caught.

And can they not help themselves? You know what? When it's woman for some reason we seem to think of it as different than if it were a man who was preying upon a 16-year-old female student.

These are — these are people who have serious sexual disorders. And no doubt they have, you know, things in their backgrounds that lead them to this kind of behavior. Very often sexual predators have approached many more than one individual before they're caught.

I think we have to think of it as a problem now that cuts across all genders. And let's face it, sexual predators are attracted to places where kids are.

COLMES: Pam, the unique issue here is also this was a special ed student. One wonders how capable this person was of making his own decisions.

PAM BONDI, PROSECUTOR: Exactly, Alan. And she knew he was a special ed student. The school was — they were all students who had special needs. I mean, I feel like we need Dr. Ablow to go interview every single teacher in this country now before they're capable of teaching our kids after what's been going on lately.

COLMES: Is this happening more and more often? Or is it just that the media, Keith, is covering it more because it's a story that the media loves to focus upon. Or is this — is there some kind of epidemic going on that didn't happen years ago?

BONDI: You know, I really feel — I'm sorry. I feel like we're seeing it more and more. I really do. But it is getting a lot more coverage, because it's more and more female teachers and young male students.

ABLOW: Well, this may, in fact, be an unfortunate side effect of the kind of equality of the genders, if you will, that the more empowered each gender feels in terms of our sexuality, perhaps we have the outliers who feel they can act on their baser desires. So now we have female teachers and students coming to the fore.

SEAN HANNITY, CO-HOST: You know, Pam it's Lefave. It's Rogers. It's Letourneau. You know the names. We've followed these cases. You know, you're in the prosecution business. We don't want to prosecute this. It seems that, if you're good looking, you have a nice figure, you get a pass. That's the bottom line here. These people get a pass.

BONDI: Sean, you've got to look at it, like I said before, on a case by case basis. The last teacher we talked about was having sex with four and five and six different boys. I think that's — that's different.

In this case the boy was older. He was 16. But he's mentally disabled. I mean, this woman is a predator.

HANNITY: But — and again, she's an attractive woman. Here we go once again. How much do you...

ABLOW: Absolutely.

HANNITY: If this was a guy with a girl, you know what? There would be more outrage.

Doctor Ablow, do you know how many people — whenever we discuss this case, how many e-mails? I'm going to go upstairs and the e-mails are going to be the same. "Come on, Hannity. You only wish that you'd had a teacher when you were 14, 15, and 16 that did that to you."

ABLOW: These are — these are stereotypes. You're absolutely right, Sean. The will of the public is still running in the direction that, if it's a 14-, 15-, 16-year-old boy he should feel lucky to be with his beautiful teacher. You know what? It's not lucky. It's a violation of trust; it's victimization.

HANNITY: It is victim — because you know, don't we, Pam, hurt these kids? Are we actually acting as though these kids don't have a soul or a conscience? Most adults seemingly are not prepared for sexual relationships.

Now we're going to do this with young kids with an older adult teacher and the possibility that, you know, all sorts of damage could be done to them. When you say that to people, they laugh at you. They think, oh, that's nuts.

BONDI: No, Sean, and they shouldn't. Because we deal with these parents. We deal with these kids. And these kids — I don't care what anyone says, are traumatized by this. It affects their future relationships, especially with girls their age. I mean, it affects them emotionally, mentally. It's horrible. It really, really is.

And I think if you're the parent of a boy that age I think you'd have a different feeling, and it wouldn't be so funny.

HANNITY: You know, but that's the thing that we're dealing with in terms of society. What should the punishment be, Dr. Ablow? If you have sex with a student and you're in a position of authority, you know, what should that penalty be?

ABLOW: Well, I think that the penalty should be, as it is for other sexual offenders. In other words, this is in fact, this is an underage boy in this state and with special needs. This is a form of rape. That means you should be classified as a sexual offender. Presumably if she's guilty of what she's alleged to have done.

And of course, you know, because I am a doctor, there should be some effort made to determine why is this woman crossing these boundaries? Were her boundaries crossed?

So should there be some help while she's incarcerated? Sure. But does the jury have the will, does the state have the will to prosecute a pretty teacher? That's what we have to find out.

HANNITY: All right, guys. Thanks for being with us. We appreciate it, and we'll see you both again soon.

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