Not All Democrats Are Pouncing on Foley Scandal

Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine:

Dems Advise Caution

Some Democrats are urging caution in reaction to the Mark Foley e-mail scandal. Lanny Davis, former Clinton White House special counsel, who did damage control during the Monica Lewinsky story — says about the Foley affair: "It's all about a private behavior situation, and I think democrats have to be real careful not to try to turn this into a political partisan issue." Former Clinton senior adviser George Stephanopoulos agrees, saying, "Most voters who hear about this are just disgusted and they will be more disgusted if it is being thrown around for purely political reasons."

Democratic consultant Ken Snyder says if democrats go too far they "run the risk of doing what the Republicans are already guilty of, which is worrying more about what the political ramifications are instead of about the fact that what happened, happened."


A campaign worker for a Democratic congressional candidate in Virginia has resigned after referring to Republican Senator George Allen as "macacawitz." Meryl Ibis wrote the remark in an e-mail Tuesday to Democratic supporters of House candidate Al Weed. Allen, you'll recall, used the word "macaca" to refer to a Democratic volunteer — and the senator also recently discovered he has Jewish heritage.

Allen's campaign manager tells The Washington Post the remark "fits a pattern of anti-Semitic behavior" by Democrats, and says Ibis also is a volunteer organizer for Allen's opponent — Democrat Jim Webb. A Webb spokeswoman tells FOX news Ibis is a supporter, but does not work with the campaign.

"State of Civil War"

A police union official in France says officers are in "a state of civil war" with radical Muslims who are waging what he called an "intifada." Michel Thoomis of the Action Police Trade Union says violent clashes in poor, heavily-Muslim suburbs feature large groups of youths with stones and Molotov cocktails and result in injuries to an average of 14 officers a day. He has asked the government to give police armored cars and water cannons.

However, a representative of another police union dismisses talk of an "intifada" as a minority opinion. He says the increased attacks on police are the result of a crackdown on street gangs.

Victory Party

And a look at the defense spending bill for the fiscal year that began October first reveals an authorization of up to $20 million to celebrate a victory in Iraq and Afghanistan — if and when victory comes. A spokeswoman for Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist says Republicans are confident of winning the war on terror and look forward to honoring the men and women who fought.

But democrats say it's another example of how the GOP has gone astray in handling the wars. The funds were tucked into last year's budget but never spent — so they were rolled into this year's. Republicans point out the provision was originally approved by members of both parties by unanimous consent.

—FOX News Channel's Aaron Bruns contributed to this report.