Nontheist Billboard Greets Motorists

This is a rush transcript from "America's Election HQ," June 5, 2008. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

MEGYN KELLY, CO-HOST : "Don't believe in God? You're not the alone." That's what it says on a 20-by-60 foot sign sitting above one of the busiest roads in the country. Many people now want that sign to come down.

Just a short while ago, Fox's Douglas Kennedy spoke to the man responsible for putting it up. He joins us now. Hi Douglas.


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This guy is from an atheist organization in Philadelphia. He says he's just trying to reach out to fellow non-believers. His critics are calling it a sign of the times.


KENNEDY: The billboard has heavenly-looking clouds and reassures drivers they are not alone. No, it's not an advertisement for a fundamentalist church. It's the exact opposite.

Why did you put up this billboard?

STEVE RADE, ATHEIST: I believe there are a lot of people who question their belief in God.

KENNEDY: Steve Rade is from the Greater Philadelphia Coalition of Reason, the atheist group that erected the billboard on Interstate-95 just outside the "City of Brotherly Love." He says he's just trying to bring atheists together.

RADE: People want to know that they're not alone, that there is groups they can speak to and join up with.

KENNEDY: Recently, societies dedicated to atheism have claimed record membership and books on atheism have become top reads on the "New York Times" bestseller's list. Critics call it a disturbing trend.

This billboard in Philadelphia seems to represent a trend of a new assertiveness, even aggressiveness on the part of atheists.

Peter Sprigg is from the Family Research Council, a Washington, D.C.- based lobbying group that promotes conservative values. He says behind the books and billboards is a secularist agenda.

PETER SPRIGG, FAMILY RESEARCH COUNCIL: Atheists are very vigorous in promoting the separation of church and state. But with the extreme way that they interpret that concept, you would basically eliminate every mention of God from the public square. And that would amount to an establishment of atheism.

KENNEDY: The family research council saying you're promoting a secularist agenda, what do you say?

RADE: I say that we are promoting a secularist agenda. We do believe in a separation of church and state. And we believe that this is the way the country should be run.

KENNEDY: And Rade admits he would prefer if everyone was an atheist. He says the world would be a better place without institutionalized religion, Bill and Megyn.

BILL HEMMER, CO-HOST: We can find some people who disagree with that?

KELLY: I should think so.

Douglas Kennedy thanks so much.

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