No Apologies

First, John Kerry: He said Wednesday on an open mike that Republicans are "crooked" and "lying". Well, hey... he's not the first politician to get bagged by a microphone he thought was turned off.

But then he goes before reporters on Capitol Hill Thursday and not only refuses to apologize, but goes on to charge that Republicans are sliming him. I just want to say to everyone in politics, you all play this game. Don't pretend to us little people that only one side attacks and the other just stands there Whistlin' Dixie. You all do it! And you're not fooling anyone!

Now, to that little girl who her parents thought had died as a newborn in a house fire. The fire was six years ago. The girl was only 10 days old when the family's house burned down. But recently the mom came on “DaySide” saying she had gone to a child's birthday party, saw the girl and realized that was her baby! Now a distant cousin is charged with stealing the baby and keeping her for all those years, passing her off as her own daughter.

BUT then…

Enter the little girl's father, who is legally separated from the mom. The alleged kidnapper is HIS cousin. And he says now that he suspected for years that the girl was his daughter.


Why didn't he do anything about it?

The dad is scheduled to be on “DaySide” Friday. See you then.

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