Nicole Kidman, Erin Brockovich and the New Phantom Menace DVD

Nicole Kidman, Erin Brockovich and the new Phantom Menace DVD in the bright force we call The Foxlight.

She's ready for "the Others." Nicole Kidman's very public and messy divorce from Tom Cruise hasn't put her off marriage. She told a BBC chat show that she would love to get married again. Kidman says she never expected to split from Cruise but it's happened and that's it. She says she's picking herself up and moving forward.

Can the real Erin Brockovich push up ratings the way Julia Roberts pushed everything else up in the movie? We may soon find out. The real Erin is getting her own hour-long talk show – that is if Dick Clark's production company can come up with a concept for an hour-long talk show and sell it. It will also need a name.

And finally, just how into this Star Wars stuff is George Lucas? On the commentary track of the new Phantom Menace DVD he admits he's partial to R2-D2 but asks us to please not mention it to C-3PO because he'll get upset. It's the Smothers Brothers all over again. Mom likes me better.

There is some cool stuff on the Phantom DVD, like the landing of Naboo Royal Starship ship. The noise it makes? It's the cracking of the Hubbard glacier in Alaska. How'd they record that? And who had that job?