Newt Gingrich to Debate John Kerry on Climate Change

Former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich will face off next week with Sen. John Kerry in a debate over climate change.

The debate is scheduled for Tuesday at 10 a.m. in the Russell Senate Office Building in Washington, D.C.

"Newt’s a guy who has spent a lot of time wrestling with climate change and the environment. He reads about it, he teaches about it, he writes about it,” Kerry told The Hill Newspaper. “We don’t see eye to eye about everything, obviously, but that’s what makes for a good debate."

Kerry, D-Mass., recently released "This Moment on Earth," a new book that addresses climate change and environmental issues.

• Click here to read the report in The Hill Newspaper.

Gingrich, who is considering a run for the White House in 2008, wrote a book with conservationist Terry Maple, "A Contract with the Earth," calling for a bipartisan effort to address climate issues.

“America should focus its energy policy in four areas. Basic research for a new energy system, incentives for conservation, more renewable resources and environmentally sound development of fossil fuels," Gingrich writes on his Web site.