Newlywed Watches in Horror as Husband Drowns on Honeymoon

A British man drowned during his honeymoon in Spain while his helpless wife watched in horror, the Daily Mail reported.

Russell Hawkes, 39, was swept out to sea Monday by a strong undercurrent at the Spanish resort Fuengirola.

His new wife, 31-year-old Danielle, alerted surfers with her screams.

They pulled Hawkes from the water but were unable to revive him, the Mail reported.

Danielle told the newspaper that she was outraged because there was no red flag warning bathers about undercurrents, and a first aid station on the beach was shuttered, even though the ocean was rough that day.

“I'm furious there was no warning about the state of the sea and the Red Cross hut was closed,” Danielle told the Mail. “We were told it was because it was out of season.”

Surfer Ivan Rosado, who helped drag Hawkes from the water, said police were little help.

“About eight of us had to pull him out of the water using our boards,” the 22-year-old told the Mail. “The two local police officers at the scene didn't seem to want to get their shoes wet and just left us to it. It was disgusting.”

The couple married in August, but just took their honeymoon this week.

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