New York City Dog Saves Sick Neighbor

A fluffy little dog named Lexi is being called a hero for helping to rescue an 85-year-old neighbor who collapsed in his Brooklyn, N.Y. apartment.

Linda Deutsch concedes that she thought Lexi — a white bichon frise — was being stubbornwhen she refused to get into the elevator for their walk.

Finally, though, Deutsch let Lexi lead her down the hall. That's when she heard a cry for help.

Deutsch called the building’s superintendent, Ilija Kerculj, and they found Charles Postler, who had been lying helplessly on the floor for hours.

“He was talking strangely, disoriented,” Kerculj told the New York Daily News. “It looked like he had been there for hours.”

Postler was taken to Lutheran Medical Center in Brooklyn.

Postler’s son, Charles Postler Jr., of Staten Island, said his father got out of bed at 1:30 a.m. Thursday and fell to the floor. He usually carries a medical alarm, but the chain on the device had broken, so he wasn't wearing it when he fell.

“People say that dogs are man’s best friend and this proves it all over again,” Charles Postler Jr. said.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

In an earlier version of this story, FOX News incorrectly reported that Charles Postler was wearing a Life Alert device when he fell. According to Life Alert, Charles Postler was not a customer of the company.