New Dating Reality Show Looks to Cast 'Overweight' Contestants

Average Joes and Janes will get to pursue their shot at love with the launch of the new dating-competition series developed by FOX called “More to Love.”

The show has been billed as a dating show “for the rest of us,” and will feature overweight contestants.

FOX will be teaming up with producer Mike Fleiss (known for his work on "The Bachelor"). The show will feature a group of women competing for the love of one man, whom producers describe as a Kevin James-type (James was the star of “The King of Queens.”)

"For six years it's been skinny-minis and good-looking bachelors, and that's not what the dating world looks like," Fox president of alternative Mike Darnell said. "Why don't real women — the women who watch these shows, for the most part — have a chance to find love too?"

Darnell says the producers were inspired by the success of NBC’s “The Biggest Loser,” which he says shattered the industry assumption that viewers are only interested in highly attractive people.

"This show is going to get a lot of people talking," Darnell said. "It may be a little controversial, but I think it will mostly be positive. This is so simple and so obvious, yet it has never been done."

LINK: Click here for more from the Hollywood Reporter.