Nativity Scene Controversy in S. Florida

A debate is brewing in a south Florida town over a nativity scene.

For the past two years, Sandra Snowden (search) has been asking the town council to place a manger display next to the Jewish menorahs and Stars of David that decorate Bay Harbor Islands (search).

But the town has refused, calling the controversy trivial and saying the existing display is fair because plastic snowflakes and Christmas trees are part of it.

So Snowden filed a federal lawsuit, saying she will “fight this to the bitter end.” The judge expects to have the decision by early next week.

In court, the town said it has the right to display whatever decorations it wants — but one town lawyer’s comments that the menorah (search) isn’t a religious symbol raised some eyebrows in the courtroom, including the judge's.

Advocates of the separation of church and state say governments shouldn’t be displaying any religious symbols and should stick to secular winter decorations like snowflakes.

Click in the box near the top of the story to watch a report by FOX News' Orlando Salinas.