NASA Hoping to Save Hundreds of Jobs After Shuttle Fleet Retires

Thousands of NASA employees could be without a job in Florida after the shuttle fleet retires, but a deal could be in the works to save at least 300 of those jobs.

With only five shuttle launches left, state and space leaders are hoping a deal would allow these scientists to work for the Department of Defense and make parts for the military.

"If we're not successful in this endeavour, then basically there's a chance 300 people will not have jobs after the shuttle program," Jim Kell, spokesman for the United Space Alliance told My Fox Orlando. "That's why we have to be successful and move these plans forward."

The president is not expected to extend the shuttle program and Space Florida's president Frank DiBello says that will be a problem for thousands of people.

"I think the White House knows we have a problem here in Florida."

The president is not expected to make a final decision about NASA's future until the spring.

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