Nancy Sinatra Lobbies for Radio to Pay Artists

"These Boots Are Made for Walkin'" singer Nancy Sinatra testified Wednesday on Capitol Hill that performers should be paid when their songs are played on the radio.

"When most people are asked how much you think artists are paid on radio, [they] usually say a few cents, but ... we are paid zero," Sinatra said during her five-minute testimony on the "Performance Rights Act" bill. "We just want our fair share."

The current law requires payment only to songwriters and publishers. Artists want to change that, despite opposition from local radio stations, which say record labels should compensate the artists.

Sinatra, the 69-year-old daughter of late music legend Frank Sinatra, told the House Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet and Intellectual Property that getting royalties from a song could mean the difference between have food and prescription drugs or not.

"We can sing about injustice, but your power lies in making the change," she told the members of the committee.

Several performers were with Sinatra on the Hill, including original members the rap group Sugar Hill Gang.'s Michelle Maskaly contributed to this report.