Milton, We Will Miss You

You know, we had such a jam-packed, constantly news breaking show yesterday, that I barely had time to mention this: Milton Friedman, perhaps one of the most influential economists ever, has died. He was 94.

Now, I know you've heard a lot about how smart Milton was, how he won a Nobel Prize, how much Ronald Reagan loved him, called him his favorite economist.


What I remember most about this remarkable man was his sense of humor. He put a smile on a dismal science. Think Bob Newhart meets Adam Smith.

He related how we act as people to what we have in our wallet and what is taken from our wallet.

I remember him saying he never met anybody who wanted to give his tax cut back. One time he joked about taking up a collection for those who did. No takers.

But plenty taken by his curious ribbing of all we held dear. Like big government -- he said we didn't need it. Even the Federal Reserve --he said we'd all be better off without it.

Long before there was Ronald Reagan there was Milton Friedman, saying societies do best where societies are taxed least.

He called politicians bores and the media that followed them not much better. Not in a carping way or a mean way, but a quiet, slightly kidding way.

He made you laugh. But he made you think.

In my nerdy world of business, he was a giant. Because of his brain, but also because of his wit.

Milton, we will miss you.

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