Michael Jackson Speaks Out Online

Michael Jackson's whereabouts may be unclear, but fans can now find the pop star online, speaking out about the child-molestation allegations made against him.

Via a new Web site — http://www.mjnews.us — Jackson says the charges are "predicated on a big lie" and that he will be exonerated in court.

The entertainer's spokesman, Stuart Backerman (search), had said last week that Jackson was putting the site together to communicate with the news media and fans.

Jackson reaffirms that in a statement posted today, saying that the site serves as a source for "official communications on my case."

"As you know, the charges recently directed at me are terribly serious," Jackson adds in the six-paragraph statement. "They are, however, predicated on a big lie. This will be shown in court, and we will be able to put this horrible time behind us."

Jackson surrendered to Santa Barbara County (search) authorities on Thursday after an arrest warrant was issued alleging he committed lewd or lascivious acts with a child under 14.

He was released on $3 million bail. Authorities have said they expect to file formal charges sometime after Thanksgiving. Jackson's arraignment is scheduled for Jan. 9.

Jackson said his attorneys have advised him to say little about the matter until it is resolved.

"No doubt, this will be frustrating for all of us," he added.

He also urged people to be skeptical of those representing themselves as his friends or claiming to speak for him.

"With few exceptions most of them are simply filling a desperate void in our culture that equates visibility with insight," he said. "We will not engage in speculation. We will not provide running commentary on every new development or allegation du jour. We intend to try our case in the courtroom, not in the public or the media."

The Associated Press contributed to this report.