Michael Jackson Fans Celebrate 25th Anniversary of 'Thriller'

Fans of the classic Michael Jackson song “Thriller” will come together to commemorate the upcoming 25th anniversary of its video release in the best way they know how to – by dancing.

Fans of the pop icon will gather at Madame Tussauds wax museum in New York City on Thursday in an attempt to break the Guinness world record of the most people doing a simultaneous “Thriller” dance, People magazine reported.

Click here to watch "Thriller."

When the video premiered in 1983, Jackson effectively transformed the role of music videos in an artist’s career. After the 14-minute video premiered in December, MTV began running it twice per hour due to the high demand from viewers. More of a short film than a traditional music video, the storyline, complex dance routine and special effects secured “Thriller” the honor of being arguably the most famous and recognizable music videos of all time.

Click here to view photos of Michael Jackson through the years.

While Michael Jackson, now 50, will not appear at the anniversary celebration in New York, he told People magazine that his fans had his stamp of approval for their Halloween eve event.

“I always thought Halloween and ‘Thriller’ fit each other like a glove,” Jackson said.

Click here to read the story from People magazine.