Memphis Boy, 12, Survives After Baseball Hits Him, Stops Heart

A 12-year-old Memphis boy has been given a clean bill of health after a thrown baseball hit him in the chest, stopping his heart.

Kyle McCammon was playing in a game on Saturday in Cordova when a throw to third base struck him between the second and fourth ribs.

Three nurses, including the boy's mother, rushed to his aid and began CPR when they detected no pulse.

The Commercial Appeal reported nurse Deanna Gilbert of Marked Tree, Ark., told Mary McCammon, "I got this Mom," and began the compressions.

By the time the ambulance arrived, Kyle had regained consciousness.

Le Bonheur Children's Medical Center emergency services director Dr. Barry Gilmore said such injuries are rare, but interrupt electrical impulses that control the heart. The survival rate is 15 percent.


Information from: The Commercial Appeal,