Meeting With Minority Leader

And now the most captivating two minutes in television, the latest from the political grapevine:

Meeting With Minority Leader

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi says she has made her -- "disagreement ... known" to Washington Democratic Congressman Jim McDermott -- who when leading the Pledge of Allegiance earlier this week left out the words "Under God."

McDermott insists he left them out because he couldn't quite remember where a Supreme Court case about the words "Under God" stood, and because -- "I learned my Pledge of Allegiance a long time ago" when those words weren't in it.

But it turns out McDermott last month told a newspaper he makes a point of not saying "Under God" because -- "I consider it an infringement that I don't like. I don't like infringements of church and state."

Sinclair Says Pre-emption

One day after ABC News' "Nightline" announced it will devote tomorrow night's broadcast to showing the names and faces of more than 500 soldiers killed in the line of duty in Iraq, Sinclair Broadcast Group has now ordered its eight ABC affiliates to pre-empt the broadcast.

Sinclair, which owns 62 TV stations across the country, says -- "Despite the denials by a spokeswoman to the contrary, [tomorrow's broadcast] appears to be motivated by a political agenda designed to undermine the efforts of the United States in Iraq." ABC denies that.

More Medal Matters

Historian Douglas Brinkley is rushing out a revised version of his best-selling -- and very pro-Kerry -- book "Tour of Duty: John Kerry and the Vietnam War" to correct key parts of it. For example, Brinkley has said the book is based on interviews with -- "every single one" of Kerry's swift boat crewmates from Vietnam.

But, in fact, Brinkley did not interview crewmember Steven Gardner, who disliked Kerry. In addition, Brinkley has said he thoroughly reviewed Kerry's Navy record, but Brinkley didn't interview one commander who -- as we noted two weeks ago -- questioned Kerry's first purple heart at the time.

What's more, Brinkley's book says Kerry threw his medals away at that anti-war rally in 1971, when Kerry himself now says he only threw away his ribbons.

Says the Source

Speaking of the medal controversy, the Washington Post is reporting the source that uncovered that 1971 interview in which Kerry says he threw the medals away. The Post identifies the source as: The Republican National Committee. But, in keeping with journalistic principle, the Post allows the source of that information to remain anonymous.

FOX News' Michael Levine contributed to this report