Massachusetts Senate Race Marks Battle for Soul of Democratic Party

Tuesday marks the one-year anniversary of this program and Wednesday marks the one-year anniversary of President Obama's first year in office. I think we've had the exact opposite experiences: Obama's lost 15 pounds. Me? I look like a polar bear/human hybrid.

I have to tell you, I thought this show would last about one week. Instead, somehow the ratings have been huge (my molten beauty?) and we are setting ratings records for cable news.

Barack Obama, on the other hand, well, it hasn't gone so well. He promised us he'd change things — health care, ocean levels and the order of the stars or something.

The only thing he's actually changed is America's wallet (it's a lot thinner); we look more like France than America and, because of him, Republicans are starting to go where no Republicans have gone before — places like New Jersey and now possibly Massachusetts.

Yes, they've been voting all day in the Bay State and the big question remains: Who did Martha Coakley vote for? No, I'm kidding. But have you seen the gaffes? I mean, I wouldn't vote for me if I were her. They had to pull the curtain at an elementary school because the crowd was too small. An elementary school gym wasn't big enough? Really?

The real big question is: Who will win the battle for the soul of the Democratic Party?

If you don't know what I'm talking about, I made a prediction in 2004 — probably my longest-standing prediction — after something I saw that absolutely stunned me at the Democratic National Convention in 2004.

The cameras panned around and they zoomed up to show the VIP box seat and there was President Jimmy Carter (ADD moment: I'm not sure why Democrats think it's a good idea to highlight Carter as a past Democrat. It's like showing b-roll of the gas lines and burning helicopters). But Jimmy Carter was sitting next to someone who stuck out: Michael Moore.

In 2004, of course, Moore had a popular liberal movie out. At the time, I said that Democrats thought they were using him. But it was the other way around. The far left used the Democrats. Progressives, like a lurking virus, were waiting for their chance — for an opening — to infect the system. And once they are inside the system, I warned it will be a battle to the end to get them out.

I think that the battle for the soul of the Democratic Party is about to begin after the election Tuesday night.

This battle isn't about Republicans and Democrats. It's about progressives. America is about to find out if what we've been talking about is either wrong or right.

If we were still dealing with the typical Republican or Democrat: A Scott Brown victory would cause politicians, who only care about themselves and their power, to realize what they are doing is suicide and they'd reverse course and move to the center. If I believed that outcome was still possible, if I believed we were just dealing with bad politicians, do you think I would have made a fool out of myself and cried on national TV and said I fear for my country?

What everyone has missed is that we are not talking about the regular run-of-the-mill Republicans and Democrats who are putting this country at risk, it's an ideological movement that has set its sights on the destruction of the Constitution and the fundamental transformation of the republic.

It is the progressive movement and it has been using both parties, but mainly the Democratic Party as its host to feed on. And if what I am saying is right, the progressives' hero, Saul Alinsky, says when times get tough, step on the accelerator. After tonight, if Coakley loses, times will be tough.

Let's put this into perspective here: We're talking about Ted Kennedy's seat — the liberal lion, the face of health care reform — in Massachusetts — the heart of New England, where the only Republicans are Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins — not exactly "conservatives."

Remember, a couple of years ago all the talk was about the death of the GOP and here we are, on the verge of a Republican taking Ted Kennedy's old spot. Wow. The Alinsky crowd will put the pedal to the metal.

The best way to describe progressives is through the cinematic masterpiece "Thelma & Louise": If I can't have you — no one can.

On an earlier episode of this show I described progressives as vampires. I stand by it. The progressive movement is sucking the blood out of each of the parties. This is their opportunity to finally win and progressives will, admittedly, do anything to win. They'll lie, cheat, steal. Do you really think you can pull them off your neck with a ballot box? You must drive a steak through the heart of this movement. One election won't do it. This is a long, drawn-out battle.

Michael Moore recently said this: "To the Democrats in Congress who don't quite get it: I want to offer a personal pledge. I — and a lot of other people — have every intention of removing you from Congress in the next election if you stand in the way of health care legislation that the people want.... That is not a hollow or idle threat. We will come to your district and we will work against you.... You think that we're just going to go along with you because you're Democrats? You should think again.... Because we'll find Republicans who are smart enough to realize that the majority of Americans want universal health care."

He will destroy the Democratic Party because he isn't a Democrat, he is a progressive. And remember; both partied are infected with this virus. How in the world can you find a Republican in favor of universal health care? Because they aren't Republicans: John McCain and Lindsey Graham are progressives.

America has been fighting our battle through the tea parties. Americans are on to the Republicans who are really progressives. We know not to trust someone because they have the "R" next to their name.

I mean, I don't trust Scott Brown yet. Americans don't know him. He posed naked in Cosmopolitan magazine back in 1982. I mean — really? I question the judgment of man who thinks anyone wants to see the male body naked: 100 percent of Americans agree naked males should never, ever be seen — ever. We aren't pretty.

The point is we used to rush and blindly support someone like Brown. Republicans have been burned. So now we've taken the partisan lens off. It's like suddenly, we realized Senator Palpatine was the evil emperor.

Those Democrats who are not extremists or progressives (if Brown wins) and want to move to the center, find themselves in deep trouble because their own president isn't really a Democrat. He was voted the No. 1 most liberal senator in America. They used the wrong word:


PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: If you are willing to get out the vote for Martha Coakley, then you won't just win this election, you will carry on the best progressive, forward-looking values of this proud commonwealth.

OBAMA: To my progressive friends.... and to my Republican friends...

OBAMA: I've tried to emphasize to my more progressive friends...

OBAMA: Tim and I share a philosophy — it's a pragmatic, progressive philosophy...


He's not a Democrat. He is a progressive.

Let me give you a quick history lesson on how progressives operated in the past. When they first surfaced in the beginning of the 20th Century, they were very popular. Then, Americans began to see who they really were: the Federal Reserve, progressive income tax, entry into World War I, Prohibition and the League of Nations.

After that series of debacles they became so unpopular they had to slip back into the shadows and change what they would call themselves. They co-opted the word "liberal." At the time, that meant maximum freedom, limited government — like libertarian. After the past 50 years or so of liberal/progressive policy, they corrupted that name until no one wanted to be identified by it. Which was why, when asked, Hillary Clinton described herself this way:


THEN-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE HILLARY CLINTON: I prefer the word progressive, which has a real American meaning going back to the progressive era at the beginning of the 20th Century. I consider myself a modern progressive.


Good Democrats will stand up to fight. But they've been weakened through corruption — health care bribes — and progressives have them right where they want them. Mess with us? Oh no. You will play ball. And if you don't? Well, we don't need you anyway. We'll just find another way. And they have.

Here's why Nancy Pelosi doesn't care if Brown wins or loses:


SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE NANCY PELOSI: I have confidence about tomorrow because I'm a grassroots organizer. It doesn't matter what the poll says, it matters who votes and we'll see what happens tomorrow. But let's remove all doubt, that we will have health care — one way or another.


The FCC wants net neutrality, basically government regulations on the Internet. If they don't get it? No biggie, they'll just find another way and make the Internet a public utility.

If cap-and-trade doesn't pass, progressives aren't worried. Because they just circumvented the system and found a backdoor. The EPA miraculously ups and declares carbon dioxide (or "air") is a danger.

I wonder: Do Democrats realize they are in a civil war or are they buying the line from Obama that Fox News and the GOP are causing all the problems and the delays?

Let me leave you with this thought, America. If these are only politicians, they'll do what they did in 1994 and migrate to the center. But if we're right that these are Marxist revolutionaries who follow Mao and Marx, the foot will go on the gas and they will first eat their own: the Democrats.

— Watch "Glenn Beck" weekdays at 5 p.m. ET on Fox News Channel