Man Steals More Than $6,000 Worth of Underwear

If you’re missing undergarments, it may do you no good to search through your laundry piles again — they could have been stolen! A 34-year-old man in Fort Collins, Colorado, was arrested on charges of mass panty theft! From September 2006 to May 2007, Chih Hsien Wu allegedly stole over 1,300 pairs of underwear worth more than $6,000. He apparently didn’t have a favorite brand or style, as his collection ranged from sports bras to panty hose.

The ashes of a man who died twelve years ago were dumped on his living son’s front yard this weekend. Wayne Carraway awoke to find his father’s ashes strewn across his front lawn. The remains had been in his Bronco because he had plans to spread the ashes at his late father’s favorite fishing spot in the Florida Everglades. Vandals broke into the car and may have thought that the ashes were drugs. In any case, they dumped them. Carraway collected the ashes, now mixed with grass, and still plans to spread the ashes in the Everglades.

Michigan police believe a woman who robbed two supermarket Best Banks in the Hamtramck area committed the crimes with a baby on board. Footage taken from surveillance cameras inside the grocery stores shows a woman decked out in “a SpongeBob SquarePants shirt, glasses and possibly a wig,” robbing the banks with a belly that police say appears six months pregnant. Though the possibly expectant mother dropped the stolen money a couple hundred feet from her first hit when she was startled by an exploding dye pack, she and her unborn baby made off with thousands of dollars from the second bank.

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