Man Sentenced to 5 Months in Bear Spray Attacks at Bar

An Alaska man has been forced into a 5-month hibernation after twice attacking local bar patrons with bear spray.

At his sentencing, Daniel Pement read an apology he sent to bar patrons. In it, he says the separate incidents on Feb. 9 and 10 at the B&B Bar were fueled by his alcohol consumption.

On Feb. 9, he was thrown out of bar after accusing a bartender of taking $5 from him. Pement returned 15 minutes later and sprayed customers with the bear spray.

Police talked to him later that night and confiscated the bear spray, but were called away on a more urgent matter.

Then on the following day, police arrested him after responding again to the bar, where Pement returned and sprayed patrons with another can of bear spray.

Bear spray is a type of pepper spray that is most commonly used to prevent injury during a bear attack, according to the Alaska Science Center. Spraying of the chemicals can lead to intense burning sensations on skin and can cause temporary loss of sight and restriction of breathing.

On of the victims of the attack, Brandon Wright, one of those affected at the B&B bar told prosecutors that the affects of the bear spray lasted all week and every time he took a shower it burned his skin, the Kodiak Daily Mirror reported.

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The Associated Press contributed to this report.