Man Questioned About Meat Clever Murder

This is a rush transcript from "On the Record ," February 14, 2008. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


CORA-ANN MIHALIK, WWOR-TV: Have you been told anything as far as you being a suspect in this?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: When you were being questioned by police today, did they mention anything about you were a possible suspect?


MIHALIK: Did they tell you how she was brutally killed?


MIHALIK: OK. You are just learning this for the first time, is that correct, how she — how she was hacked to death? OK. Are you telling me that you're innocent?

KUNSMAN: I wasn't aware that it was a knife attack. I didn't know how severe it was...


KUNSMAN: ... the way you described it.

MIHALIK: Where were you when this happened?

KUNSMAN: I was here at home.

MIHALIK: OK. When you heard about this today, when police questioned you, your thoughts?

KUNSMAN: I was just devastated by the news of my friend's death.

MIHALIK: OK. Are you aware that there are police cars that are around your house tonight?

KUNSMAN: Yes, I saw one earlier.

MIHALIK: OK. Did any of the police talk to you tonight? Are they saying anything to you tonight, why they're around your house?


MIHALIK: OK. What would you like people to know at this point? This is your opportunity. What would you like to say, William?

KUNSMAN: I had absolutely nothing to do with this. I was here the whole time. I was — I wasn't in New York City when this happened.



GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: That was William Kunsman speaking to Cora-Ann Mihalik of FOX affiliate WWOR.

Now, Kunsman was questioned by police today in connection with the murder of Kathryn Faughey. Why did they want to talk to him, and why was he released?

Joining us live in Pennsylvania is Alyssa Young, on-line editor for The Express Times. Welcome, Alyssa. And why did they want to talk to this man?

ALYSSA YOUNG, THE EXPRESS TIMES: Well, William Kunsman was friends with Kathryn, and he had been in touch with her as recently as Tuesday. He had been e-mailing and speaking to her on the phone about his personal problems, and they tracked him down through her e-mail records. They had met six years ago through an unofficial Martin guitar forum. It's an on- line group for Martin guitar enthusiasts. And they also have an annual gathering here in upper Nazareth township, where the guitar factory is, and he had last seen her in person at that gathering in August. So they were good friends. That's why they tracked him down.

VAN SUSTEREN: Well, I suppose that anyone who was speaking to this woman was speaking about personal problems. That was her job. Was there anything about the e-mails, anything said in these e-mails that made him, you know, a particular target for questioning?

YOUNG: That hasn't come out, and he's not allowed to speak about the investigation. But he did tell the Associated Press that the reason for the detectives' questioning him wee valid. He did say that, that it made sense to him that they would come to him to talk to him. But the nature of the e-mail correspondence hasn't been disclosed yet.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. Now, he says that he was in Pennsylvania at the time of the murder Tuesday night. Can you tell me a little bit about his background? Is he married? Does he have a family?

YOUNG: Yes, he is married and they have six children. They live in North Whitehall township, which is a suburb of Allentown. He and his wife both said that he was home that night, Tuesday night. And his wife told our reporter Bevin Milavsky that, you know, the weather was bad, so there was no reason for him to be out. It was icy. And she remembers him being home. She had no reason to suspect anything.

VAN SUSTEREN: What's his occupation?

YOUNG: I don't know what he does for a living, as a matter of fact. I'm sorry. I can't tell you that.

VAN SUSTEREN: Do you know — I mean, the fact that the police let him go is, you know, rather significant, if they wanted to talk him more, unless, of course, that he maybe invoked a right to counsel or something. Do you know anything about how long this questioned and why it ended?

YOUNG: Yes. He actually was surprised by the Pennsylvania state troopers picking him up this morning at 4:30. So at that point, he knew nothing about his friend's death. They brought him to a state police barracks in Bethlehem for questioning, where he was for 10 hours. And apparently, he told the Associated Press that the questioning stopped — or someone told the Associated Press the questioning stopped when he asked for a lawyer.

Now, he said that they didn't tell him right away why they were talking to him about his friend. And when they first picked him up, they said they wanted to question him about one of his friends in New York City. And he says he has three friends in New York City, so he didn't even know about whom he'd be speaking until shortly into the interview with them. So you know, it was 10 hours long, and he was returned home about 2:30 this afternoon.

VAN SUSTEREN: Alyssa, thank you.

And just a reminder to the viewer that for 10 hours of questioning, both innocent people and guilty people, you know, ask for lawyers. So they shouldn't necessarily read anything into the fact that he asked for a lawyer.

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