Man 'Made' Infertile By Lightning Strike Becomes Dad

A British man who was told he was infertile after being hit by lightning in August 2003 has shocked doctors by becoming a father, the Daily Mail reports.

Doctors thought Campbell Gillespie, 43, would die after he was struck by lightning during jog in a park near his home in Merseyside, U.K.

The strike broke Gillespie's jaw in four places, smashed his teeth, broke his eye-sockets and caused four blood clots on his brain. He spent a week in a coma.

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Following his recovery, doctors told Gillespie internal injuries caused him to become sterile. However, he made a full recovery, running a 10k race the year after his lightning strike.

Last year, he beat the odds again when his fiancee Hazel Topping, 40, became pregnant and gave birth on New Year's Eve to baby Brogan, who weighed 8-pounds, 8-ounces.