Man Lives for Nine Years With Surgical Needle in Gut

A South African man has been awarded $6,112 in damages for nine years of pain and suffering that was caused by a surgical needle left in his gut by doctors.

Farm laborer Jacob Makeke, 48, was admitted to the Philadelphia Hospital near Groblersdal, South Africa in 1996 after he was kicked in the stomach by a cow, South Africa's Independent Online reported.

Makeke was later transferred to a Pretoria, South Africa hospital and had surgery. After his discharge, he continued to experience stomach pain and vomiting and was treated several times on an outpatient basis, according to the report.

After years of pain, he had an X-ray performed at Groblersdal Hospital where it was discovered that a needle had been left at the site of the 1996 surgical incision. It was removed in March 2005 without difficulty. Makeke's lawyer now has possession of the needle, according to court documents.

Makeke feels better now that the needle has been removed but still experiences occasional abdominal pain, according to the report.

Click here to read more on this story from the Independent Online.