Majority Leader Reid Spews Plenty of Adjectives to Describe Political Opponents, Friends

Best not to get on Harry Reid's bad side.

The Senate majority leader isn't shy to say who he's going after next, though he announced Sunday he's going to wait a bit before designating his replacement for former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan as the biggest "political hack" in Washington.

"I could give that designation to someone else," Reid said in a broadcast interview. "I don't think I'll do it here today."

Don't think for a minute the Nevada Democrat has changed his opinion about the venerable ex-Fed leader. It was in 2005 when Greenspan was the target of Reid's barbs. Greenspan had given a qualified endorsement to President Bush's proposed Social Security and tax overhauls.

At the time, Reid used a television interview to brand the Fed chairman "one of the biggest political hacks we have in Washington."

"I call them the way I see them," Reid made clear Sunday. "Alan Greenspan, when they asked me about him, I said I thought he was the biggest political hack in Washington. That's how I felt. Why shouldn't I say that?"

Asked if still felt that way, Reid replied: "Oh, yeah. Well, he's out of office now, so he's not the biggest political hack."

Was there anyone else he wanted to take off against right now? "No," Reid said. "But if it comes to my mind, and I feel after answering a question, I should do it honestly, I'm going to continue to do that."

Also in 2005, Reid apologized after calling Bush a "loser" during an appearance at a Las Vegas high school. "I think this guy is a loser," Reid had told students. He also has accused the president of lying, a charge he hasn't rescinded.

"When I have dealings with people, and they tell me one thing and do something else, they're not telling the truth, what else do you have to call them? I am a person who calls things the way I see them," Reid said Sunday.

Apparently, Reid doesn't let his opinion of people get in the way of his relationships.

"As far as my dealing with the president on a personal basis, I like him. He's just fine. But on his policies ... I don't even think we need to dwell on that," Reid said.

Asked whether he would support a censure resolution against the president, Reid said, "The president already has the mark of the American people that he's the worst president we've ever had, and I don't think we need a censure resolution in the Senate to prove that."

Of his political allies or even those who just agree to go along with him, Reid had all nice things to say.

On Sen. Russ Feingold, D-Wis., who is introducing the censure resolution: "Russ Feingold is one of the real thoughtful members of the Senate. He is a Rhodes scholar, Harvard graduate, a very brilliant man."

Of Sen. Jim Webb, D-Va., who wants to bring troops out of Iraq, Reid said, "Some of your viewers don't know who he is, a decorated Vietnam War veteran, decorated for courage, his valor."

Reid also praised Sen. Olympia Snowe, R-Maine, who voted with Democrats to end debate and move toward passage of an amendment to create a timeline for withdrawal from Iraq.

"Olympia Snowe is going to be on your show later. I admire and respect her so much because she broke from the pack and voted with us as did a number of senators," he said.

He was interviewed on "Face the Nation" on CBS.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.