Love Is in the Air

This being Valentine's (search) weekend, and all, I thought I'd try to put this holiday in some perspective.

I know as a business guy, that a lot of chocolates going to be sold and a lot of flowers and cards. Maybe even lingerie and perfume. Restaurants will be busy. Country inns maybe busy too.

All that's well and good. But, if you want to make a difference this Valentine's Day, don't look in your wallet, try looking in your heart.

Try -- and I know this sounds corny -- being nice.

Try not complaining. Not carping. Not criticizing.

Half the time I think the alarmingly high divorce rate in this country is due to people who get side-tracked in this country. Pressured at work. Pressured at home. And taking it out on the people in their home.

It's human nature to get hot and bothered. But I also think it's human nature to be kind and compassionate.

So trite as this sounds -- and this goes to men and to women -- let that someone special in your life, know they're special in your life.

Let them know you know the little things they do make a big difference to you.

Know the power of a smile the understanding assurance of a hug.

You don't get rich doing these things. But it's very enriching living these things.

Happy Valentine's Day and many more.

Watch Neil Cavuto's Common Sense weekdays at 4 p.m. ET on Your World with Cavuto.